
Thursday, 27 October 2011

Friday's Art

In week 3 of Core A from Sonlight it suggested we work on cutting out skills.  I am so greatful for Sonlight's little suggestions as I find there are some things I just forget I need to let Sir N practice and this is definately a big one for us.  Sir N has not had a lot of practice using scissors so I went and got out the ABEKA Art Projects K4.(Available from Light Education Ministries in Australia.) I really like this book as most things are supplied with in.  All you need in the cupboard is some poster paint, string and glue and you can complete all the projects in the book.

Sir N finds the cutting out a little over whelming due to his lack of skill so I cut some and he cuts some and as his skill grows he cuts out more.

The bee's wings move.  We used a spit pin to attach them.

Sir N enjoyed making and wearing this pilgrim hat
The finger puppets were lots of fun too.

It was fun speaking about seeds and why they come from plants.
Sir N enjoyed mixing colours for the lion and pasting cotton wool on the mane.

Last week at Art co-op we used The Usborne ART Treasury and learned about Henri Matisse who used scissors and paper to "draw with scissors" when he was too ill to stand and paint.  Then we used scissors and glue to make our own pictures.

So don't forget to get the scissors out and build your cutting skills.



  1. One of my fond memories of my children was that stage teaching them to use scissors. What amused me was the expressions of the mouth and then the tongue would come out too as they cut around the curves then the torso would lift and when completed a sigh then the facial expressions waiting for praise of a job well done! Priceless is no other name for it. But don't forget to teach them the safety of working with the scissors and when they hand them over to another person. So SAHM's enjoy this time with the wee ones. Blessings.

  2. I found when mine were little that cutting play dough with scissors was good fun and a good way to build up their muscles for cutting.

  3. Too true. Love their expressions of concentration.

  4. What a fantastic idea Kymatt ! Can't wait to try that next.

  5. Oh, Wow! WE LOVED the Abeka Art Project Books! In fact, as I look up from my computer, I can see the same snowman on the dining room wall. I even decorated our little 'kiddy' chairs with Amber Lamb and Button Bear at one point. Enjoy!

  6. I love the colour and simplicity of the books!! I love the way he enjoys them too.


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