
Friday, 28 October 2011

Hanging Rock

When we completed Week 5 with Sonlight we took a day trip to Hanging Rock. It always amazes me how things just happen to fall into place when we need them!  We learned about mountains that week and Paul not knowing this suggested we go for a day trip to Hanging Rock.  It was so much fun seeing Sir N experience walking up a 'mountain' clambering over big rocks and learning what his own capabilities are.  Go N!

Hanging Rock Tree Stump Carving.

When we arrived we had a look at this Manna Gum tree stump.  This tree was over two hundred years old when it was struck by lightening and came down. Rather than remove the stump that had seen so much history the council commissioned Tim Jones in 2006 to create a sculpture with the remaining stump.   The carvings took him three months to complete.

Enjoying how far we could see from up high.

On our way down we had a look around the information center.

It was a wonderful day out in the sun and watching Sir N discover the beauty of seeing far and wide from up on a mountain.



  1. Isn't Hanging Rock such an interesting place to visit. It's actually not very far from where we live!

    How many kookaburras did you spot? Last time we were there, they were proving very adept at swooping down and helping themselves to peoples lunches, lol!

  2. I agree it is interesting :)

    I would love to go again some time. Only saw a few Kookaburras and they behaved themselves :)

    Can you recommend any other neat treasures in Victoria we could visit?


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