
Saturday 17 December 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal {5}

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for homeschool mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Homeschool Journal and lets encourage one another on our homeschool journey.

In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week…
  • Understanding numbers and place value is starting to fall into place with Sir N.  
  • Our home phone died this week and we handed it to Sir N to take apart.  He loved looking inside and using his Dads tools to try and take the bits and pieces off.  He enjoyed discovering circuit boards.  
  • We watched Miracle on 34th Street.  The original 1947 version in black and white.  

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

I have been thinking about why as home school Mums we become so weary and why we constantly feel inadequate. I had the privilege of guest posting about this at Princess Warrior Lessons.

I am inspired by…
  • The new friends I am finding in the blogging world who write inspiring, challenging and encouraging blog posts.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • This week we have been visiting my mom each day to make sure she is alright.  She is recovering from surgery.  Please continue to pray for her recovery with me.
  • Monday we had our last CHEF (Christian Home Educating Families) get together for the year.
  • Wednesday found us blessed with dinner at my husbands end of year / Christmas work dinner.
  • Today we have the last swimming lesson for this year.
  • Today we are visiting a friend and completing the paper mache mask we started at her place two weeks ago. (photo's / tutorial to come)
My favorite thing this week was…
  • Seeing my husbands delight at the arrival of his new fly fishing rod.  This is something that has been on his hearts desire list for the last twenty years.
Hardy Marksman II 7' 3 weight Fly Rod.

What’s working/not working for us…
  • Trying to do regular days of school during the Advent season.  Sigh.  Experience should have taught me by now.  Every year I try this and you would think after 14 years I would know better. 

Questions/thoughts I have…
  • My thoughts this week have been about my blog.  I really enjoy posting, sharing, discovering new blogs, being fed intellectually and spiritually.
  • My pondering has been on the content of my blog.  I love to encourage and discuss things and I am passionate about homeschooling and being a mother.  I started this blog as a way of documenting / sharing my homeschool journey with Sir N BUT I want more.  More depth.  So I have been thinking about the content of my little space and what I want to do with it.  

Things I’m working on…
  • Structuring my day and week. Strictly speaking I love a flexible routine but a routine non the less so that I and my children know what is happening and we all feel safer.

I’m reading…

I’m cooking…
  • I finally got around to making my ginger bread house gift.    It was a thank you gift for a friend who helped us out this last year with lifts for my husband to work.

  • I am planning to try a fruit cake recipe with gluten free flour :) If it works I will post it !

I’m grateful for…
  • Family and friends who encourage and pray for me.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

God is responsible for the consequences of your obedience. You are responsible for the consequence of your disobedience



  1. Your gingerbread house is lovely. And your reading list - I'm impressed!

  2. Delighted for your husband:) Intrigued and interested to see what deeper posts you are planning. I often think I should write deeper but am nervous about opening up and sharing, all those rotten tomatoes if I offend anyone (Not saying you would but that is the direction of some of my deeper thoughts)
    off to check out your links

  3. Hello Chaos (Love the name of your blog :) ) Welcome to my blog. Thank you. Have you made a gingerbread house ?

    Hi Erin.

    I know what you mean :) Hope you enjoyed the links :) What are your thoughts ?

  4. Burnout- a walk I've done, related to lots of it.
    Play Nice- Why didn't the friend tell the other ladies off or Jo. but then I've been a parent longer, I wouldn't have then, I would now. The closer I get to 40 the less I let my boundaries be crossed.
    Christians and Christmas - well I just don't get the whole issue, but if you differ, agree to disagree.
    5 books - should interesting patic. the last.
    blog idol- ouch, parts of that ouch. I've been turning my computer to standby and really helping to stop that "I'll just check my email"
    Growing blogs- well good points but I'm not about growing my blog to attract the homemaking crowd etc. I write my blog to record our family journey. Trying to find a balance of not giving out too much, but perhaps I do.

    anyhow they are the ones that I read through.

  5. Hi Erin

    I agree. Burnout is not something we ever think we will experience as home schoolers and it creeps up on us so unexpectedly.

    Play Nice. I have been the mom on the receiving end of this on many occasions especially because I was a young Mom. I so wish I could turn the clock back and tell those older moms to take a hike.

    Christmas and Christians. I loved Jo's perspective. I know what you mean though.

    5 Books that changed me - I have read three of the five and am inspired to revisit them over the holidays.

    Growing Blogs - I am not into growing a home making blog that is not the purpose of starting this blog.
    There are plenty of amazing growing home blogs out there to inspire and encourage me on that front. I enjoyed some of the frame work she speaks about.

    I liked her encouragement to walk in integrity and excellence.

    Is your blog your idol - I agree OUCH ! I enjoy being here and being encouraged. I have realised I wanted to find a balance and enjoyed this post. Which lead to the growing blog posts so wanted to see her perspective.

  6. Thank you so much Erin for sharing your thoughts. They encouraged me :-D

  7. Enjoyed this post very much!
    Your gingerbread house turned out beautifully!
    I can relate very well to what you said about Advent and school lessons, lol.. :)
    Interested to see and read your new blog-direction in the future, too. I'm encouraged by your words this morning...thanks for sharing :)

    Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas!

  8. HI Collette

    Thank you so much.

    Blessings for the new year ahead.



I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥