
Friday, 30 December 2011

HSMJ - 31 622 400 is what I have

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for homeschool mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Homeschool Journal and lets encourage one another on our homeschool journey.

In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week…

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
  • Habits are time consuming to implement but the rewards far out weigh the time it takes to train and practice a new habit. 
I am inspired by…
  • .De-Cluttering your Soul - The Secret to Peace and Rest 2012 written by Sally Clarkson. Sally wrote: I am not a person gifted in handling details—too much mail, too many catalogues, too many emails, too many options, too many things. The more there is, the more I become responsible for, the more work there is to be done, and so, the more anxious I become. Same with activities. The more I commit to, the more I say yes, the more I have to drive, the more my house gets into a mess, and the more anxious I become, the more hurried we feel, and the more weary I become. When I am not at peace, nothing in our home is at peace. Definately pop on over to I Take Joy and read the whole artical you will be inspired and encouraged. I can so relate to what Sally has shared today.
  • Jennifer over at Little Homeschool on the Prairie who wrote: The Gift of Homeschooling.  Jen asks: Is homeschooling a gift?   Or is it a chore...another thing to cross of the to-do list every day? She  finsihes saying: it most definitely is a gift- an expression of love for my family.
    If I see it as such, then I should look at each moment we have together at home  as precious, special, and a way for me to serve my family
    . I am encouraged to enjoy each day ....
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • This week I did not have a car which turned out to be a good thing because I stayed home and rested.
  • However we did have a couple of family come over and had share a cup of tea with us.

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Sir N's delight at being allowed to dismantle the irreparable microwave!

What’s working/not working for us…
Questions/thoughts I have…

  • Thirty One Million Six Hundred and Twenty Two Thousand Four Hundred seconds are what I have before me this new year (God willing...{James 4:13-15})   I have been thinking about that.  How and what will I spend that free gift of time on ?  I do NOT want to look back on another year and be disappointed and the only way I can accomplish that feeling of accomplishment is to plan to redeem my time.  That time is a GIFT to me.
  • How do you rank your priorities and organize your day / week ?
 Things I’m working on…
  • Planning on how I will redeem the time in the new year.
  • Hymn Study for 2012 by Nadene over at Practical Pages.  I am inspired to add this into our school room. It is something I intended to do but never got around to with my older two students.  I am inspired by Nadene and her free down loadable to add this to our school week in the new year.
  • Planning my homeschool schedule.
  • Are you a Planner?  I have never heard of a Penny Walk before and will definitely be trying this one with Sir N in the new year
  • Resting in His peace and handing over the clutter and worry in my soul.
  • A couple of DIY for blogging posts.
  • Learning to make Photo Collage's using a free program called: Photoscape. I was over at Erin's Seven Little Australians and she had a beautiful photo collage with a link.  I am so glad I took the time to take a look, the DIY step by step tutorial is excellent.
I’m reading…
Look at these beautiful bookmarks.

There are 6 different book marks available for you to download and print over at Time Warp Wife.

I’m cooking…
I’m grateful for…
  •  The gift of sight and hearing.  I love to hear the sound of worship 
  • The ability to read and write.
I’m praying for…
  • His guidance 
  • Teens and little people
  • Health and healing for my Mom who has had surgery.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today - Anonymous
Paul reading The Complete Adventures of Curious George to Sir N.



  1. Hi Chareen,
    I'm so glad to have found your blog. Thanks for visiting mine!

    I love your weekly wrap up; it contains so many links, and so much interesting information.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy the 52 book challenge. It's an important part of my year too.

    Blessings as you plan the next year. I'm reading The Resolution for Women, and it's really helping me get my thoughts organized about what is important next year. I'll review it soon, Lord willing.

    Annie Kate

  2. Hi Annie Kate.

    Welcome to my blog. You are welcome. Am keen to join in the fit mommy link up as that is one of my goals for 2012!

    Blessings for the new year.


  3. Thanks for the link to the prayer cards for children - very neat idea! That's something else to add to my ever growing list of things to make. :) Love the pic of the microwave being dismantled. My stove that went kaput earlier this month sits on my back porch just waiting for curious boys to tear it apart.

  4. Huge blessings to you! :) I love all the things you are inspired by! and will be praying for your Moms surgery! So tough to watch them endure stuff like that.. but Moms have a great strength inside them... Blessings as you plan your new year and hoping its filled with many new hopes and strengths :D and lots of love!

  5. I can so relate to your "clutter" comments. Thus the name of my blog.

  6. I just LOVE your quote! How very, very true! :-) You will love the Duggar book. I read it literally in a day or two. They are so inspiring to me. :-)

    I pray that God blesses us all this New Year!

  7. FLMOM - You are welcome. I think they are beautiful and I am looking forward to rearranging my space and organising my craft space so I can make these.

    AMY: Huge blessings to you too. Your photo's are beautiful. Thank you for praying with me for my mom's recovery.

    CHAOS COTTAGE: One day I will conquer the clutter. When ever I feel overwhelmed I remind myself that it is a symptom of just how blessed I really really am.

    LISA: I am looking forward to buying the Duggar book sometime and adding it to my 52 in 52 list for the new year. Good to hear it is an easy read.

    May the Lord radically and outrageously bless you all in 2012 but most of all may He open your eyes so that you can see the hand of HIS abundant blessings.


  8. Chareen... wow you are certainly the busy one! I'm dying to have the Kindle Fire but life being as it is.. it'll have to wait. I'm actually going to replace my android with it because I never use my cell phone as a "phone" but for apps and such only.

    Dropping by from the HMJ

  9. Thank you for your kind words and mention of my post:) I'm trying to get a handle on organization at our house too- thanks for all the resources!

  10. Michelle: I would ♥ a Kindle Fire too. I will wait a couple of years to see what improvements they will make and then invest on one ....

    Jen (What do you prefer Jen or Jennifer ?) You are very welcome. I really enjoyed your post it has inspired and encouraged me for the new year. It is so good to read encouragement that focuses my heart on the right attitude it affects all I do..


  11. What a great post. What is a penny walk? Would like to read the Duggar books as well. Thanks for all the great links, I plan on checking them out soon. I look forward to reading more from you. I am your newest follower now:)

  12. Hello Mamma Bird. Welcome to my blog.

    A penny walk is when you go for a walk with a penny and at each corner you allow the children to flip a penny – if it’s heads you turn right, if it’s tails you turn left.

    I read about it on Courtney's blog Women Living Well - Are you a planner.



I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥