
Friday, 27 January 2012


Miss J was awarded her Cert III in Children's Services ** by Carrick Education today. 

Dear Jane 

We are so proud of you our precious daughter.  We love watching you grow into the woman God has made you to be.  May His hand of blessing rest upon you daily. May you continue to know Him and hear His voice directing you. May He bless you with His perfect will for you.  May He clearly give you a vision and hope for your future. We pray He will bless you with favour.  May He bless the work of your hands.  We pray He will draw you ever closer to Himself.  May His mantle of joy and peace be upon your shoulders.

All our love

Dad and Mom

** In Australia a Cert II is the equivalant of Year 12/13 (Matric) school.  Cert III is first year post school study and one year before a Diploma level. Jane achieved two Cert III certificates at the age of 16


  1. Well done Jane we so proud of you. Blessings for a wonderful future walking with our Lord and Saviour.
    Love Gran and Pops Juniper.

  2. Congratulations to your daughter! You must be a very proud Mother today, for sure :) God Bless!

  3. Congratulations Jane! We are so proud of you. are looking simply gorgeous! Lovely photo. Can't wait to see you in April. All our love, Lindy, Andre, Kate and Michael xxxx


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