
Sunday 12 February 2012

1/52 - Unveiled the story of Tamar.

I had such grand intentions at the beginning of the year but it's another thing altogether to get those intentions into reality! I have also discovered that I need to rearrange my habits to make room for an old one that is my best friend ! So I am playing catch up on my 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge
In another challenge to read my bible Cover to Cover I was reading about  Jacobs family and it goes on to speak about Tamar in passing (Genesis 38).  This got me thinking about this book and re-reading it I am so glad that I did.

Unveiled the story of Tamar 
(Series: Lineage of Grace)

Francine Rivers
  • Format: Hardback
  • Number of Pages: 173
  • Publishers: Tyndale House
  • Publication Date: 1 December 2000
  • ISBN: 9780842319478
  • Author Francine Rivers

This book is an easy read and opens up the world of old.  Francine does an excellent job of taking the reader to the era with it's customs and traditions. She has excellently woven together biblical and historic history.

Tamar is often ignored or thought little of in the reading of the word yet she is mentioned in the lineage of Jesus.  To read an outline of the book you can go to Praise for Unveiled.

Unveiled was a 2001 Christy Award finalist

This book is available for purchase from: Koorong, Word, Fishpond, Book Depository, Kindle, Amazon.
These links are NOT affiliate links.

Linking to: 52 Books in 52 Weeks.

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