
Thursday, 23 February 2012

She is Far Above Rubies

Today is a special day.  It's my Mom's birthday so I thought I would introduce you all to her.

My mom is a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman who is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies.
The heart of my Dad trusts in her confidently and he has no lack of gain.
She has been the model wife and shown what it means to comfort, encourage and do him good.
Through her example of seeking out wool and working willingly with her hands have I learned much.
She has always provided nourishing meals for our family. Through her example have I learned to be a frugal nutritious cook.
My Mom has always arisen early and she diligently taught us all from His word.
She has always lived a godly example and has never courted neglect of her duties.
She girds herself with spiritual strength and has always stood firmly by her faith.
I have learned much about having a heart for the poor and filling the hands of the needy whether in body mind or spirit. My Mother gives generously of herself to those in need (at times that has been me ...)
My Mom has clothed her family well and we never had want for warm clothing. (I have fond memories of her knitting.)
She is an excellent seamstress and has patiently taught me how to sew, crochet and knit. (and still is).
In an era of godless living my Mother is adorned with modesty and is always appropriately and sensibly dressed.
My Mother demonstrates strength and dignity in her daily living.
My Mother has been blessed with skillful and godly Wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness she wisely shares her counsel and instruction.
My Mother has always looked well to the things of her household and the bread of idleness is not found there.
I love my Mom and she is a blessing, my Dad boasts about her.
There are many woman who have done virtuously and nobly well but she has excelled them all and to me her value is FAR above RUBIES

I love you Mom Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. To my dearest Chareen,
    What a beautiful Birthday present that is! As I sat here reading what you have written the tears flowed with gladness with the way you placed the wording of a Proverbs 31 woman. That scripture comes to mind "Do not be weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap the harvest" There was many a time I would get weary with the daily routine of life's chores but the Lord was my constant companion and He lifted me up to continue to do the good work He had placed in me of being a wife and mother This is proof that God's word is true and just! For in His Word blessings flow and with faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move mountains. God has shown this to me today as I read what you placed on your blog. The fruit of my labour has not been in vain for I have reaped a wonderful harvest that God promised to me in His word. You have been a wonderful blessing and friend to me with encouragement and love and I say "Thank you" "Thank you for the kind words and love that you have so beautifully expressed in writing here today!"
    Love you


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