
Monday 2 July 2012

The Private Life of Plants

For the last week in Sonlight Science A week 17 we have been studying plants. As part of this study I dug this DVD off the shelf. It's been amazing seeing just how much Sir N has learned from watching an episode here or there.

The Private Life of Plants [BBC]

Recently we purchased The Private Life of Plants (The Complete Series) produced by BBC EARTH.

As per their reputation the BBC have put together an excellent series. Stunning macro and time lapse filiming bring you up close and personal with micro sized plants not normally seen.

There are two discs containing the six episodes in the series:
  • Travelling
  • Growing
  • Flowering
  • The Social Struggle
  • Living Together.
  • Surviving
Each episodes runs for nearly an hour giving you a total of 292 min of running time.

From a creation point of view the only negative is the occasional reference to evolution as fact.  We are really enjoying watching this series of DVDs.

To Read more about the series
On YouTube
Purchase from (non affiliate links)
As a family we are enjoying this series of videos. What are the science / natural history video's that your family enjoys watching?
This post is linking to: Learning All the Time Favourite Resources

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