
Saturday 20 October 2012

HSMJ - The Intouchables

In my life this week…
 I had the most wonderful day today.  I joined five other homeschool mom's on an annual pilgrimage to Koorong Christian Bookshop.  We had a great day of fun, food, fellowship and book shopping.  I am looking forward to our trip next year.
Musem vist to: Living in a Sensory World.
In our homeschool this week…
  • We spent the day exploring Healsville Sanctuary.
  • Spent the afternoon at Melbourne Museum exploring Living in a Sensory World.
  • Read Louis Braille.
  • Read Helen Keller.  Explored online resources on her life.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I am inspired by…
  • The lives of Helen Keller and Louis Braille.  What amazing people.  I am even more inspired by the determination of Annie Sullavin who was so instrumental in Helen Keller's life.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Three weeks till we leave on a trip to North Queensland to see the Solar Eclipse.
  • This week we went to Healsville Sanctuary to explore the zoo and had the privilege of spending the night in the Coranderrk.  Beautiful.  WE are going there next week with a friend to enjoy three days of the zoo and surrounds.
  • Today we are going to Melbourne Museum to see Living in a Sensory World.

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Taking Sir N to the museum and him not wanting to come home and wanting to keep on exploring the museum.
What’s working/not working for us…
  • I am really enjoying using our Museum Victoria membership for short trips.  It is so great to seeing Sir N return home enthused about our day rather than exhausted and frustrated with a looooong day out.  I am pleased I made this decision.

Questions/thoughts I have…
  • What do you use to teach a second language to non reading students ??  I learned my second language as a five year old and it was so easy.  I really wish Rosetta had a pre-reading level available.
Things I’m working on…
On My Bedside Table ...
In Bloggy world I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
  •  Nothing new this week.
On Pinterest I found...

I’m grateful for…
  •  Living in a country where I am free to worship.  Free to homeschool. Free to blog.  Free to come and go as I please.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

This movie looks really interesting and I am looking forward to going to see it with Paul Monday week.


This post is linking to: 
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers - Weekly Wrap Up 
Hammock Tracks - Its A Wrap 
Homegrown Learners - Collage Friday 
Ben and Me - Friday Fun Stuff


  1. I hope you get onto the crew for 2013 -- I was on it last year and it was a WONDERFUL experience!

    Blessings to you - and thanks for linking with Collage Friday!

  2. Hi Chareen,

    Thanks for the advice about the blog migration. I'll look into that.

    You are more than welcome to add your pinterest board to the link-up.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I forgot to write my journal post this week... been so busy! But I'll be getting to that now!

    Your post is great. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Take a look at the photo tour I did of Helen Keller's birthplace in Alabama..-

  4. I really like how you added a pinterest section. Thanks for linking up at HammockTracks.


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