
Friday 12 October 2012

HSMJ - No such thing as too many books...

In my life this week…
It's been an emotional week but all in all a good one.
In our homeschool this week…
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Join Me at The Homeschool Post!
  • The nominations for Homeschool Blog Awards have commenced.
  • Hammock Tracks has a new weekly link up for homeschoolers called It's a Wrap.
  • Have you heard about Homeschool Mosaics ?  Great site with lots of homeschool Mom's contributing some excellent support articles.
  • Are you strapped for cash and in need of homeschool supplies, curriculum?  Over at Homeschool Mosaics I found a great blog post on Homeschool for FREE.  This page contains a HUGE organised list of links to help you homeschool for free.
  • Aussie Homeschool is hosting a Charlotte Mason Education book discussion.
I am inspired by…
  • It amazes me the gifts some people have to create ...
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Watching Sir N enjoy his trip to the Marine Discovery Center.

What’s working/not working for us…
  • Using the community and museums to discover and learn together.

Questions/thoughts I have…
  • What do you think about Waldorf Steiner teaching ?  I like SOME (a couple) of the concepts but NOT the whole philosophy.
Things I’m working on…
  • What and how I want to do in History this coming year with Sir N.  I really like the idea of teaching history chronologically the way they do in The Well Trained Mind and would like to do that alongside Sonlight.
On My Bedside Table ...
  •  A stack of books I aught to be reading but somehow I don't get to ...
In Bloggy world I’m reading…
  •  Nothing this week :)  I have been surfing Pinterest.
I’m cooking…
On Pinterest I found...
  • Courtney from Women Living Well is hosting a Pinterest Link Up until the 16th of October.
  • Laura Orak has 4600+ pins for you to look through.
  • The Homeschool Chicks are hosting a Pin it to Win it! until 14 October. 
    Everyone is a winner with this one.  You get to download a mnemonics pack for free for participating. 
  • I have found some interesting things you can do with paper plates and paper bags.
  • I am looking for lists to add to my Homeschool FREE board.

I’m grateful for…
  • My son has had some desperate financial needs which we prayed about on Wednesday evening at dinner.  On Thursday morning I found an envelope with his name on it in our letter box.  This amazing envelope had a note from someone saying the Lord had layed it on their heart to bless him.  The amount in the envelope was the EXACT amount he was in need of.  Our God is an AWESOME God and supplies our needs according to His glory.  Please continue to pray for him.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Source: Don't Eat The Paste


This post is linking to:
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers - Weekly Wrap Up
iHomeschool - Homeschool Mothers Journal

Hammock Tracks - Its A Wrap

Homegrown Learners - Collage Friday
Ben and Me - Friday Fun Stuff 


  1. Wow, how incredible that the exact amount your son needed was in your mailbox the next day! Praise God! Sounds like another great week and I completely agree, there are never too many books! Have a great weekend! Many blessings, Lisa :-)

    1. Lisa it was an amazing experience and I cried buckets I was so overwhelmed with His goodness. Blessings

  2. LOL - never too many books. I quite agree. :o)

    1. I agree Deborah. Although the latter part of the statement is becoming a problem

  3. What a great week! We love books! Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. A busy week for you. The story of your son's need being met warms my heart and brings back great memories of various times the Lord has blessed us in a similar way.

    1. I love those kinds of memories too Ruby but I do find that I struggle to remember them when I'm in the thick of a situation

    2. Hello again Chareen, I am JCG from Face Book :-) where I use my real name. I thought Susan had posted that status on Aussie Homeschool. Come on over, you a welcome.

    3. Hello Ruby. That's so funny :) Sorry for the mix up ! I'll change to my name next time on the FB group. Blessings

  5. What a wonderful blessing that the money was provided for your son's need! God is good!

    Love the "too many books/not enough room" picture! So true!

    1. It was an amazing blessing to experience and one that my faith definately needed.
      We definately have issues with the latter part of the picture :)

  6. Chareen, Thanks so much for linking up with Its a Wrap and promoting it here. I hope you'll come back this week.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥