
Saturday, 10 November 2012

HSMJ - Just in case you ever wonder ...

In my life this week… We were up at 4:30 Friday morning to get ready to leave by 5 am to meet up with my parents.  We will be on the road for the next five days traveling to Queensland to see the solar eclipse next week.  I feel so blessed being able to take part in this amazing adventure with my parents. Please be in prayer for us as we travel for the next three weeks. We will be back home on December first.
Future Solar Eclipses in Australia.
This eclipse is viewable from a number of places around Australia and New Zealand

 In our homeschool this week…
  • We continued on our Abeka Maths.
  • Working on logic puzzles.
  • Finished reading about tadpoles and frogs.
  • Observed our tadpoles.
  • Prepared for our upcoming trip to Queensland.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I am inspired by…

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • On Saturday Sir N and Paul went rowing on the Werribee River and I joined Belinda and we went to Geelong to attend the annual Crop 4 a Cause.  We spent the day making Christmas Cards.  
  • On Sunday we had a busy day we met up with my cousin who came out from South Africa, first time we have caught up in over 15 years. We met up with a home school family for morning tea, Paul worked with a TV crew doing the weather crossings. We also went to a friends house to celebrate a birthday.  It was an awesome day!
  • We went to watch Maximus Musicus Music Mouse which was performed by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Going to watch Maximus Musicus Music Mouse which was performed by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
  • Looking for things to photography for an Instagram photo a day challenge.
What’s working/not working for us…
  • Trying to do too much school and prepare for a three week traveling vacation!
Questions/thoughts I have…
  • Do you use affiliate links on your blog ?  What are your feelings if someone does use them ?
Things I’m working on…
On My Bedside Table ...
  •  Nothings changed because we have been preparing for our trip today.
In Bloggy world I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
  • Pavlova for a friends birthday cake.
  • Meringues for the party.
  • Potato Bake for a barbeque.
  • Lamb casserole
  • Mince.
On Pinterest I found...
  • This amazing pin. This lady is on a mission.  She takes a piece of donated clothing which is unable to be sold due to damage. Her mission is to ReFashions it and wear it.  She shows you before, the process and the result. Amazing! She does an outfit a day. The item is returned to the Thrift Store and sold to raise funds for a Woman's Shelter.
I’m grateful for…
  • For family to love and the opportunity to go away on holiday for the next three weeks.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
From: The Busy Homeschool Mom on Facebook.


This post is linking to:
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
iHomeschool - Homeschool Mothers Journal
Hammock Tracks - Its A Wrap 


  1. Hi Chareen, I came across your blog via our mutual friend Chelle. What a great blog you have. I'm so glad I visited today! blessings from NZ, Victoria

    1. Hello Victoria. Welcome to my space :) so pleased to meet you


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