
Tuesday 11 December 2012

TT - An Angel's Story

This week ...
Max Lucado

Max Lucado
  • Format: Hardback
  • Number of Pages:96 pages
  • Vendor:  Publishers Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • ISBN: 9781418512712
  • Author Max Lucado
  • Illustrator: Greg Dearth 
It's been a while since I've posted to my Tuesday's Treasures collection and since it's December I thought I would share this one with you by Max Lucado.  I really enjoy Max's encouraging books and I am always attracted to books with beautiful illustrations.  I have adopted a friends habit of buying one beautiful book about Christmas a year and adding them to my collection.

This is the one from a few years ago. I agree with Max sometimes we loose focus at this time and do not see that this is a war.  It's a war (Ephesians 6:12) for the very soul of man and Jesus won the war when He stepped down to earth.  This is a story of imagination and many parts are true. Through the story we can focus on the One who made us, His greatness, His plan, His mercy and most of all His TRUTH.  It is truth that sets us free (John 8:32)

You can read an excerpt from the book over at Max Lucado's website along with why he wrote An Angel's Story formally published under the title A Cosmic Christmas. "Christmas is full of cozy thoughts: a sleeping Jesus, wide-eyed shepherds, a soft-faced Mary. The nativity sentiment is warm, the emotion is joy, and the feeling is peace. Such is the picture in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. In John’s Book of Revelation, however, he offers another perspective. From his perspective, the birth of Jesus stirs more than excitement; it stirs evil. - Max Lucado"

Book Depository description: "author Max Lucado imagines the spiritual conflict that surrounded the coming of Christ. Surely there was much. If Satan could pre-empt Christ in the cradle, there'd be no Christ on the cross. Journey back in time to the very throne of God;and witness firsthand the glory, the wonder, and the battle that took place on the very first Christmas."

Available from
Non-Affiliate Links: Koorong, Christian Book, Kindle, Amazon, Book Depository,
Affiliate Links: Book Depository, Christian Book , Amazon,


 Tuesdays Treasures.  I started these posts as a way of sharing great books in honour of my friend in New Zealand who would arrive with the treasures she had unearthed at her weekly trip to the library!

There are so many wonderful books out there hiding on shelves so I invite you to blog about a book on your shelf, one you're reading or one you found at the library and add your post to Learning All the Time Favourite Resource Link Up


  1. I have not seen this one yet.

    1. Oh Annette it's gorgeous! I hope your local library has it


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