
Thursday 21 March 2013

Children's Music Journey {Review}

Have you heard of Adventus? Neither had I until recently. I am so excited to share about their products with you today.  One of the things I've been wanting to do since I was in high school is learn to play the piano! MusIQ HomeschoolTM has two excellent products for learning to play the piano: Piano Suite and  Children's Music Journey.  Sir N has been using Children's Music Journey and recently completed lesson 19 after beginning with the program three weeks ago. He begs me everyday to do his piano lesson.  I have not had one negative comment about practicing and his enthusiasm has not diminished.

Using Children's Music Journey Volume 1.
Miss Melody
{Practice Room Supervisor}
  • Each lesson opens with a 30 second piece of music composed by a famous composer who also happens to be their teacher. 
  • The 'Teacher' is a famous Composer who builds a great relationship with the students.  Sir N so enjoyed his first lesson he did a second one straight away! And he talked about it all evening with Paul.
  • The Composer shares insight into his music at the start and during his lesson too.  I like this feature as it compliments our Composer Study.
  • Consistent instant feedback.  This feedback is always positive and moves your student forward even when they make a mistake. At first I felt I needed to sit next to Sir N and coach but I soon realized that if he makes a mistake the 'Teacher' will correct him immediately.
  • Lesson one is learning high and low notes using graphics.  It feels very slow after doing traditional music lessons with my first two. After a few lessons I realized that the sequence and speed is perfect because the nature of learning to read music is in itself challenging.  This method ensured success and because of this Sir N was happy to practice and do lessons. It was slow enough that everything learned was reinforced and he did not have to undo wrong learning.  As soon as he successfully completed a lesson and practice he was able to do the next lesson and build his knowledge base.
  • The lesson ends with three minutes of the opening piece of music.
  • From here Sir N proceeds to meet with Miss Melody for practice.  Miss Melody teaches: theory, aural training, hand position, practice of lesson and music composition.
  • After this Sir N is allowed to play in the games area.  Each game is geared towards reinforcing what has been learned in the current lesson. He loves the rhythm games and has enjoyed playing the aural training games. He loves finding the buried treasure and recently added in catching falling leaves via the keyboard key names. 
  • Sir N's next favorite 'room' is the library where he regularly explores pieces of music by famous composers. 
  • Some days he meanders to the composition room and records his music.

  • Choose your keyboard
  • Set an individual pin to use for each student
  • Three mode settings for the program ( Free, Normal, Strict )
  • Choose your students Avatar (16 options)
  • See at a glance which lessons / practices have been completed.
  • Be taught by a famous composer.
  • Miss Melody supervises practice sessions.
  • Lesson and practice lessons are linked {Miss Melody reinforces what was learned in the lesson.}
  • Introductions to famous classical pieces of music.
  • Over 200 pieces of classical music introduced to your children as they learn to play the piano
  • An improvisation room where the students play and record music.
  • A Games room with ten games
  • A library where you can listen to your own compositions, learn more about a composer, redo a lesson, research, learn to play area, Listening area getting to know the introduced pieces of music. learning library where they practice music reading / playing 
  • Games unlock as the students skill base grows via their lessons
  • Some games are to practice music notation and reading (reading and discriminating)
  • Some games are for aural training (listening and discriminating)
  • Rhythm practice game
  • Note letter game
  • Aural game hear the note play the note
This program is quality and excellent value for money and time.

A complete overview of each volume is available at MusIQ HomeSchool 

    • Volume 1 $69.95 (25 lessons) {CD or Download}
    • Volume 2 $69.95 (35 lessons) {CD or Download}
    • Volume 3 $69.95 (35 lessons) {CD or Download}
    • Purchase a 3 volume set $179.85 (save $30) {CD or Download}
    • Monthly Subscription $10.95($131.40 per year)
    • FREE 7 day Trial available

      Homeschool Early Curriculum
        • Year 1 Quick Start Bundle {CMJ 1 + Lesson Plans + 49 MIDI keyboard} $199.95
        • Year 1 {CMJ 1 + Lesson Plans} $89.95
        • Year 2 {CMJ 1 + Lesson Plans} $89.95
        • Year 3 {CMJ 1 + Lesson Plans} $89.95
        • Monthly Subscription $10.95
        • FREE 7 day Trial available 
        • Year 1-3 Bundle {CMJ 1, 2, 3 + Keyboard + Level 1 lesson plans} $309.95 (Save $60)
        • Year 1 Lesson Plan $29.95
        • Year 2 Lesson Plan $29.95
        • Year 3 Lesson Plan $29.95
          ** All prices quoted are correct at time of posting.  It is the responsibility of the purchaser to check the cost before purchasing. Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are in US $.


          We are having an amazing time learning to play the piano. I wish I had known about this program 10 years ago when my first two were homeschooling. If you are wanting your children to learn to play the piano I highly recommend investing in Children's Music Journey.




          1. I love how you broke down how the lessons worked and how to those features. I'll have to check them out too!


          I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥