
Thursday 28 March 2013

HSMJ - End of term

In my life this week…

It's been a slow and emotional week in my world this week.  I think too much chocolate and not enough sleep are contributing factors.  Also being disorganized . . . More on this next week :)
In our home school this week…
    • We spent the week finishing off books and reading. As well as trying something new for art and we made compost in a bottle (Tutorial next week)
    • Booked for Kelly Sports
    • Registered for Hot Shots Tennis
    • Sir N completed level one of Children's Music Journey.
      Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
          I am inspired by…
          Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
          • .Kelly Sports it was the final one for the term.
          My favorite thing this week was…
          • Seeing Sir N receive his certificate.
          What’s working/not working for us…
          • Too many late nights
          Questions/thoughts I have…

          Things I’m working on…

          On My Bedside Table ...
          • The stack of books keeps growing and not diminishing . . .
          In Bloggy world I’m reading…
          I’m cooking…
          • Nothing new
          On Pinterest I found...
          I’m grateful for…
          • A husband who supports and encourages me
          A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

          Josh Groban picks a girl from the audience to sing a duet. She sings amazingly definitely worth a listen

          You are invited
          Yes you are.  I have started a new link up on Tuesdays.  We all have the most amazing books that we discover at the library, bookshop, curriculum fairs and op shops.  If you blog about them please come and link up on Tuesdays with Tuesday's Treasures so we can have a place to discover some new treasures for our families.


          Photo collages made with: Photoscape a FREE photo editor

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