
Thursday 18 April 2013

A special collection of Encouragement for Homeschool Mothers - Giveaway {Review}

Meet one of my home school mentor friends: Diana Waring.  I met Diana and her wonderful family when they first toured New Zealand in 2000.  We were blessed and encouraged beyond measure.  Over the years Diana has shared her wisdom and encouragement with me and I've had the privilege of attending three home school conferences with her as the Keynote speaker (twice in New Zealand and once in Australia)Diana is also a Schoolhouse Teacher.

Diana has put together a collection of titles that will inspire, encourage and equip you as a home school mom on this journey. Being a homeschool mom means you will have those days when you feel inadequate and this is the perfect solution to having a cup of tea with Diana and being encouraged. She has put together a wonderful resource an eBook and four audio's that are timeless. When you load the audio into iTunes Diana has named each section of her talk so finding a specific part is super easy.

The Encouragement for Homeschool Mom's Collection contains
  • An eBook with eight articles (over 40 pages)
  • (Audio)Beyond Survival Workshop { real solutions to help moms move beyond the most common issues}
  • (Audio)Box-Free Living {overcoming perfectionism} 
  • (Audio)Roots {Good character thrives in the right environment, and Diana helps moms discover how to create that environment in their homes.} 
  • (Audio)Wings {Diana walks you through the struggle with letting go}
Diana's Audio workshops retail at $9-95 each The audios alone are a value of  $39-95! So this set is an excellent saving for you and you will use it time and time again on your homeschool journey.

This pack is available for purchase over at Diana for $25 

Here is a taste of Diana's encouragement and teaching

Diana has donated ONE pack for you to win.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product Diana Waring in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. 

Enter this draw for your chance to win a FREE pack from Diana it will be an encouragement to you for years to come.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Terms and Conditions:
  • This giveaway is offered worldwide, to anyone with Internet access.
  • The give away will commence at 10 AM Australian EST time on Thursday 18 April and be open until midnight Wednesday 24 April, 2013. Winner will be announced by Monday 29 April, 2013
  • There is one prize pack consisting of The Encouragement for Homeschool Moms Collection.
  • A download link will be emailed to you upon your acceptance of this gift.
  • Prize can not be exchanged for money
  • No purchase necessary to win.
  • Giveaways are held with Rafflecopter; commenting will not enter you.
  • Winners are chosen by through Rafflecopter
  • Must be 18 years of age or older at time of entry.
  • If prize winner forfeits or does not claim the prize, prize will be re-awarded at my sole discretion. 
  • Void where prohibited by law. 
  • Please leave a way for me to contact you in your entry otherwise another winner will be chosen
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with, Facebook. 
  • Odds of winning based on number of entries.
  • By entering this contest, you agree to release Every Bed of Roses and all associated parties/sponsors of any liability.
  • Winners will be announced in a Giveaway Post 
  • It is your responsibility to check the current price of any items before purchasing. 
  • Non of the links in this post are affiliate links. 


  1. I'd love to win -- I'm in desperate need of some encouragement.

    1. Hugs Cristi. Here is a cup of tea and some encouragement to start with

  2. OH my goodness - a light just went on. I've been noticing a decline in work output from the boys as I spend more time with the girls. I think I need to spend some "school" time with the older boys again.

    1. :) Don't you just love those Ah ha moments Deborah ?

  3. Hooray for giveaways! Thank you for the opportunity to win this.

    1. I agree Jo Yay! I love having things I can give away and bless others with. :)

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to win this, it might be just what we are needing right now,

    1. I love this set because it's timeless. It will always encourage you

  5. I enjoy Diana Waring's resources and would love to have this. We all need encouragement!

  6. Diana is one of my favorite conference speakers. Would love to win this package!

  7. Hi Chareen
    I have heard of Diana Waring & would love to be entered for this pack!
    Hope you are going well!

  8. What a wonderful giveaway! I'm in such desperate need of encouragement lately, especially as we take my oldest from the grammar school stage into the middle/high school years.

    1. Take courage these years will be full of challenge and blessing. Keep your eyes focused on the giver of life. Blessings


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