
Saturday 7 September 2013

HSMJ Spring is HERE!

In my life this week…
I am so pleased to feel the beginning of spring weather.  I took a walk in the neighborhood with Sir N and there are so many flowers celebrating the warmth.
I am always amazed at the detail the Lord has placed in every flower.  The care He takes to paint each petal.  I photographed this flower on our walk to celebrate spring.

In our home school this week…
  • We have been delightfully reading our books in week 5 of Core B from Sonlight.
  • We have been exploring the delights of ancient history
  • Sir N thoroughly enjoyed The Hodgeheg.  Such a funny cute story.
  • Sir N has enjoyed discovering the many ways that Pattern Blocks can be combined to form many interesting shapes and he enjoyed using mirrors to create more intricate patterns.
 Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Enter at A Glimpse of our LIFE
 I am inspired by…
Made eCourse: Exploring God-Centered Creativity
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • We celebrated the beginning of spring by going for a picnic playdate at the beach.  It was so much fun.
  • Kelly Sports on Tuesday
  • Tennis on Thursday.
  • I've been for a follow up at the Orthodontist. Sigh money, money, money
My favorite thing this week was…

What’s working/not working for us…
  • I love reconnecting with homeschoolers I meet on the net.  It's been a while since I've visited Learning All the Time.  I enjoyed reading her perspective on Brimwood Press Products.

Things I’m working on…

On My Bedside Table ...
  • Gosh it's been a delightful week reading. Six books in seven days.  ♥♥♥ 
  •  I love reading old scifi books and this week my brother loaned me the Crystal Singer Series by Anne McCaffrey.  Needless to say nothing got done around the house other than school this week.
    Crystal Singer
    Crystal Line

In Bloggy world I’m reading…

I’m cooking…
  • Nothing new although I am gearing up to start The Trim Healthy Mama cooking soon.

On Pinterest I found...

I’m grateful for…
  • Friendships that are deepening over time
  • Friendships both old and new
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

This is one of the most inspirational clips I have seen.  Be sure to watch it to the very end!



Photo collages made with: Photoscape a FREE photo editor

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