
Saturday, 21 September 2013

Seed Sowers a gospel planting adventure {Review}

This past month Sir N and I have had the privilege of meeting some of today's modern heroes in the biographical book Seed Sowers: Gospel Planting Adventures published by Grace and Truth books. This book was compiled and written by a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew Gwen Toliver.

When Gwen and her family relocated to Wycliffe's Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas they began meeting dozens of 'retired' missionaries who were still actively serving in many supportive rolls. The thing that struck her was that most of them had never recorded their own incredible stories.

Gwen thought "What a shame! Most of them possess this amazing wealth of spiritual knowledge and mission field experience that will be lost if it's not recorded for future generations. Only a few had written or told their stories."  Little did she know that over the next two years she would begin a remarkable journey of discovery (or mining gold as Gwen calls it) as she spent time interviewing these 'retired' missionaries. Out of this experience a book was birthed.

 Seed Sowers
  • Format: Paper back / Hardback / Kindle
  • Number of Pages: 180
  • Publisher: WestBow Press
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • ISBN: 978-1-4497-7130-0
  • Author: Gwen Toliver
This is a beautiful book written for children and is a pleasure to read out loud.  Sir N has begged me to keep reading each day as we have spent time together reading Seed Sowers.  This book is written at around a sixth grade independent reading level, however children as young as six will enjoy the adventures of the missionaries and bible translators in the book.

Seed Sowers introduces us to the stories of 21 inspiring missionary heroes and the adventures they experienced serving our God in different parts of the world.  At the conclusion of each chapter Gwen has included a short note detailing when the particular translation of the bible was completed and what the missionary is doing now. The book concludes with a comprehensive bibliography sharing when the interviews took place and any extra resources used in compiling the stories.

The only complaint Sir N has had is that he wished that there were pictures in the book. This is one thing that Gwen wishes she could add to this wonderful book the photographs of the missionaries. Sadly the publisher has said that due to poor quality they can not be added. She has been collecting beautiful photographs and sharing them on the Seed Sowers Website.

Upon reflection I think it would be a wonderful addition if a world map with an indication of where the stories took place were added to the stories along with present day photographs. It would be amazing to see who these wonderful people are and it would help younger children to appreciate that these are real life hero's who are sharing their stories with us.

Purchase the book
  • Paper back $12.50
  • Hard Cover   $27.95
  • Kindle  $3.99
  • Gwen shares her families full time missionary adventures living and serving with Wycliffe Associates in Texas over at Tolivers to Texas
  • Seed Sowers blog. Here Gwen shares more insights from the book, introduces some of the heros from the book and photographs.
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook

This book gets a 5 star rating and would be an asset on any bookshelf.  It's a wonderful twaddle free read aloud sharing living stories of modern hero's for your children to look up to. 
All that is good reflects God's Glory. It has been said that the full joyousness of childhood can only be experienced by those who are allowed by their elders to mix heaven freely with earth, and to see angels and heroes where commonplace sinners actually stand. - Karen Andreola
I agree with this statement and reading about heavens modern hero's in Seed Sowers is just one way to inspire and encourage our children to do great things for the Kingdom.




  1. Thanks so much for your review, Chareen! You're exactly right - a world map would have been a great addition to it! (maybe in round 2!) :) I love to hear how you're using this book with your family.

    1. You are welcome Gwen :) We are really enjoying your book thank you for blessing our family with a copy.


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