
Saturday 9 November 2013

HSMJ - Melvin Tix in concert

In my life this week…
I have been researching how to write book reports/reviews.  I found two great sites
I am looking forward to collecting my photographs from Michaels Camera House they have been on show for the last month as part of the Canon Bokeh challenge.

I am super excited because today is the day I join my home school friends for the annual trip to check out the Koorong bookstore on the otherside of Melbourne! Can't wait. 6 hours of browsing books, cd's and DVD's.

In our home school this week…
  • We finished reading Happy Birthday Mrs Piggle-Wiggle much to Sir N's delight. 
  • Started multiplication in  Exploring Arithmetic 3 
  • Getting into appreciating poetry is taking work ...
  • Enjoyed some arts in that we attended a concert with Melvin Tix and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
  • Working our way through the Ten Commandments in Studying God's Word Book C
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Melvin Tix
    We went into town on Thursday to watch Melvin Tix perform with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.  If you ever have the opportunity to attend a concert where he is conducting be sure to attend. So far he has performed with 69 ensembles in 16 different countries and over 1285 concerts. (Facebook) You can watch a snippet of Melvin in action on YouTube
  • It's been a quiet rest of the week due to a public holiday.

My favourite thing this week was…
What’s not working for us…
  • Late bed times.  This is my nemesis.  I love the quiet nights when I can focus on research, blogging etc but hate the early mornings.  If only I could start later but alas Sir N is up like clock work at 7 am ...
Things I’m working on…
In Bloggy world I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
On Pinterest I found...
  • Our 2014 Speaker blog posts Great posts from our Speakers at next years 2:1 convention. Get to know the ladies who touch so many hearts through social media
I’m grateful for…
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…



Photo collages made with: Photoscape a FREE photo editor

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