
Saturday, 11 January 2014

Building Character with Children

As a homeschool mom it's not the academics that cause me the greatest challenge it's the issues of the heart and character that seem to be the ultimate issue at hand.  I have been encouraged and inspired with these FREE seven minute video's by Shirley Solis. 
  • Are you frustrated with your children's attitudes?
  • Are you tired of doing all the chores around the house?
  • Do you wish the children helped around the house a little more?
  • Need creative ways to train your children?
  • Want to start the year off right and finally train your children consistently?
  • Are you constantly yelling at your children?
  • Are you tired of arguing with your children?

Building Character with Children is a brand new video-based program with homeschool mom, author, and speaker Shirley Solis.

I'm a mum with very limited free time so I am really happy to find a short, 7-minute video where Shirley shares her experience as a mom of 6 children, with tips and tricks to build strong, desirable character traits in your children!

In Building Character with Children, you will learn
  • Video 1 - How to train your children to learn a new habit in just a few minutes a day (so you won’t have to keep repeating yourself!)
  • Video 2 - The 3 reasons why your children don’t do their chores AND what to do about it!
  • Video 3 - What to do about sibling rivalry and how to resolve conflicts easily and peacefully!
  • Video 4 - The #1 reason why children are lacking character today and how to change that!
It's easy to access your FREE video's go to Building Character with Children and enter your name and email address. You will immediately be given access to the video's. There is no going to your email to activate.  The page with the video's opens for you straight away.  As of yesterday there are two video's up on the site with two more to come.

I have been struggling to get my day going well and will definitely be using the ideas from video one.  Starting this Monday I will be applying the technique with Sir N.  I love her encouraging words and simple approach.  I have used this in the past but never knew how to take Sir N to total ownership and independance in this area.  This is going to change our day for the better and make it so much better for him and I.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the video's and what you are implementing and how the ideas are working for you. 


Connect with Shirley

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