
Thursday 2 January 2014

Collingwood Children's Farm { Field Trip }

Over the last year I have missed sharing our trips with you.  One of the reasons this blog was started was to share our adventures with family near and far.  So I think I'm going to start doing some Throwback Thursday / Field Trip Friday posts. One of my goals is to have a more Delight Directed Educational approach and part of this is to make more use of the environment in our education.  Our home school co-op took a trip to Collingwood Children's Farm earlier in December.

We arrived and met up with our group at 9:30 am and met up with the farmer who graciously took us on a tour of the farm.  Our two hosts took the children from display to display.  Gave them food to feed the farm stock and kept us safe.  Sadly the cow was dry so we were unable to milk her on our trip.

The children hand fed a lot of the animals on the farm.
Unfortunately the cow is dry at the moment so there was no hand milking.
They did however have the opportunity to brush her down.

The children finished the tour with a guinea pig cuddle.
This peacock was in full spender.
The chickens were quite accustomed to being hand fed.

There was plenty of time to think and reflect.
Lovely flowers in the gardens.
Fairly unique farm in the middle of a major city.

Collingwood Children's Farm would make an excellent Staycation venue in Melbourne especially for younger children.

Have you been here ?  What are some of your favourite staycation venues ?


1 comment:

  1. Looks similar to a place we visited in New Zealand!! Thanks for sharing at FTF!!


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