
Friday 2 May 2014

A is for Answers ...

A is for answers to questions aplenty
As we ardently argue our aspect, our view
In favour of authentic academic understanding
Aware all have a abundant ability
Awaiting discovery, its auspicious awakening.

All we need is an abundance of avid application
And alternative learning becomes an adventure
Achieving our goals is delightfully augmented
As we adjust to assimilate weakness and strength
Always advocating for adaptive education.

An atlas sparks an astounding adventure
An arachnid or antelope, a biological agenda
An apple, an avo', a lesson in nutrition
Alphabetic awareness to appreciate and apply
An astounding array of everyday application.

Some days call for active attention
An atmosphere of peace and affirmative action
On others attitudinal adjustments abound
Affronts to assuage and advancement delayed
Yet all in the course of our admirable aim.

An awesome adventure awaits you, my friend
As you actively prepare to accomplish your aim
Always learning, opportunities abound round about
Absolutely absorbing your heart and your mind
When all's said and done, remember this truth:

A is for answers, but don't be aghast
You don't need to agonize over lacking the knowledge
Advance to the starting line, take up the slack
For as you ascend in your quest to the heights
The answers will meet you, affirm you at last.

When all is said and done it's good to remember that
A is for answers 
to questions aplenty

I'd like to thank two friends for helping me with this poem: Sarah who started me off with A is for Answers... and Belinda who is far better than Google at finding A words and who helped me formulate my idea into a poem. 

For more blogging through the alphabet on the letter A be sure to read Marcy's post A is for Attentive and see more A is for in the hop linky.


Ben and Me
Join Marcy over at Ben and Me Round 5 of Blogging through the Alphabet. Beginning on Monday, April 28, finishing up the week of Monday, October 20!


  1. A fun way to blog the letter "A"! Looking forward to your creative alphabet adventures.

    ~Addelah @

    1. Thank you Addelah it was a lot of fun to do. I enjoyed it :)

  2. YOu are AWESOME! Love it and your creativity!

  3. wow... how long did that take you come up with? Very clever! :)

    Annette @ A Net In Time (

  4. Love it! It's awesome! You can put a beat to it!


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