
Saturday 10 May 2014

HSMJ It's a Short Week with a Tangle or two

In my life this week…
Wow life is so empty when two people leave your circle for three days!  Paul and Sir N joined another family for a short trip away this week and left me home alone (well sort of the teens are still here, but they tend themselves).

I'm rather excited!  This coming week we will be getting to use Veritas Grammar School Self-paced History.  We shall be doing Old Testament and Ancient Egypt history.  You can view samples of this curriculum over at Grammar School History - Self Paced Course Samples -

In our home school this week…
  • Three days exploring the great outdoors of western Victoria here in Australia.
  • Started teaching Sir N how to Tangle.
  • Listened to Sir Handel from Maestro Classics.
  • Organised our Logic of English products in a box.
  • We completed our first still life drawing with Graham Braddock
  • Explored more ancient history.
 Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Paul and Sir N went to explore Forrest near the Ottways in Victoria. They enjoyed the peaceful surrounds of In the Long Grass and Sir N and two friends spent a delightful three days exploring the wonders of nature.
  • Music and art lessons
My favourite thing this week was…
  • Being blessed with three days all to myself !
  • So very inspirational.  This is a dance by a couple on YouTube. She lost her right arm at 19 and he lost his left leg at 4.  We have so much to be grateful for.
  • This poem is thought provoking, I shared earlier this week by Gary Turk.  Look Up
  • Eric the homeless man gets a new home for a year.  Love it ♥  
  • Love this photo essay seeing what this man does with other people's garbage in order to bless the homeless Amazing!
Questions/thoughts I have…
  • Some days I really wonder how people can sleep with the choices they make especially the ones that are directly affecting the lives of others.  Here is an interesting article on the Justina Pelletier case this week. Justina Pelletier and the Harvard Web of Empire
Things I’m working on…
In Bloggy world I’m reading…
I’m grateful for…
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
I saw this on Facebook this week and am struggling to find the original source of it to link back to.  If you know what it is please let me know.



Homegrown Learners

Photo collages made with: Photoscape a FREE photo editor

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