
Monday 6 October 2014

If You Were Me and Lived in Australia {Review}

Last year Sir N and I reviewed four other titles in this series .
  1. If You Were me and Lived In... Mexico
  2. If you were me and lived in... France...
  3. If you were me and lived in... South Korea...
  4. If you were me and lived in ... Norway...
We recently discovered that Carole P. Roman has added to this delightful series and we were enthusiastic to receive the book and see what she had written.  Carol sent us If You Were Me and Lived in Australia to review and add to our collection.

Inside the book

  • The country is introduced by way of a map with the capital city clearly marked.
  • Where it can be found in the world 
  • An interesting facts about Australia and it's capital city.
  • The different common names for boys and girls
  • An introduction to the language and money
  • A significant landmark (Great Barrier Reef)
  • A common cuisine (Vegemite)
  • Children's games
  • Historical fact (Australia Day)
  • Pronunciation guide 

Here is a YouTube clip with a sneak peak of the inside of If You Were Me and Lived In ... Mexico 


  • If You Were me and Lived In Australia
  • Paperback: 26 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 22, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1490522395
  • ISBN-13: 978-1490522395
  • Kindle $ 0.99
  • Paperback: $8.99

Recommended Ages
  • Pre K to age 8
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