
Saturday 13 December 2014

HSMJ the one about Homeschool Blog Awards

Wow it's been a while since I posted my weekly Homeschool Mother's Journal. I've certainly been missing sharing with you here on the blog

The Homeschool Post
In my life this week…
I just received a surprising little note that has made me smile.  Every Bed of Roses has been nominated for voting in the 10th Annual Homeschool Blog Awards in the Best Homeschool Crafts, Plans and Projects category.  I would love your support in voting for me.  Thank you very much for the nomination I appreciate it very much.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

In our home school this week…

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • We attended a beautiful wedding last Saturday
  • A great birthday celebration for a new friend on Saturday evening
  • Went to my Mom to help make a Gingerbread House.

My favourite thing this week was…

 Things I’m working on…

 On the WWW I’m reading…

 I’m cooking…
  • A Gingerbread House for my Mom

 A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Very well presented. If you are reading this via email you can view the clip here: 5. Honor Your Father and Mother by The Prager University.


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