
Saturday 28 March 2015

Light Painting {HSMJ}

 In my life this week…
  • I have been introduced to washi tape ... I am really enjoying using this product to personalise my planner / diary.  I've also discovered that you can purchase it on eBay for very good pricing. Can you recommend any resources for washi tape ?
  • If you are able please will you help a friend of mine ?  Both her and her husband have fractured their legs.  You can read more about their needs on this Go Fund Me page.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

In our home school this week…
  • Explored Aboriginal culture at the Melbourne Museum.
  • Star Toaster. We are loving this journey we covered math, logic, science, life skills, latin and more as we work for gold stars and look after orphans.
  • Night photography.
    Experimenting with light painting

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • A wholelistic dentist who has recommended some great treatment for Nathaniel.
  • The Melbourne Museum where we explored a new section on the endemic peoples of Australia.

My favourite thing this week was…
  • I'm so pleased that my Dad has started blogging again.  My parents went on a dream trip last year.  They traveled from Melbourne to Perth via Darwin.  Today he published part 11

 Things I’m working on…
  • Nigh photography
  • Getting myself organised.  Story of my life these days but I am determined to conquer this giant in my life.
  • Star Toaster with Nathaniel.

 On the WWW I’m reading…
 I’m cooking…

 A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Southern Cross rising over Dog Rocks in Vic, Australia


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Photo collages made with: Photoscape a FREE photo editor

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