
Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Homeschool & Home Management

Home management and house cleaning along with homeschooling full time in the mix is certainly not my strength...  A google search will soon reveal many many fabulous ideas on how to perfect the art.  So today I will not be sharing any miracle method or technique to be successful in perfecting these two things and keeping them in balance.

Keeping it real:  Mount Washmore is my never ending nemesis.  Mount Ironmore ... say no more. Dishes in the sink, lets just say I'm so grateful I have an electric maid (aka dishwasher) who washes the pile of dishes I create in feeding my family every single day.   Since this is not my area of expertise I will leave it to my Crew mates to encourage and equip you.

I have learned that the key to making house cleaning more attainable is having an organized home / home school area and finding your rhythm and what works for you during your particular season of life. What works well for one person might not work for you so experiment and try new things until you come to a place of contentment.

Further Reading on my blog
Recommended Resources 

For more information on Home Management the Schoolhouse Review Crew will be sharing their thoughts and linking up below.

5 Days of Homeschool 101


  1. My issue is Mt. Dustmore! ;) Thanks for the 34 weeks shout out!

  2. Organized definitely makes things easier. Now if I could just figure out a way to say "good-bye" to those things that don't need a place in our home. - Lori


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