
Monday 9 January 2017

Word for the year 2017: Faithfulness

Over the years I have often seen Word of the year posts and wondered what it would be like to have a word of the year. I considered the word commitment until I looked up the definition: The act of committing; a sending to prison ... I decided that that was definitley not a word to have for the year ahead. I have been thinking about this for the last week and after some meditation I have chosen the word Faithfulness.

  1. Fidelity; loyalty; firm adherence to allegiance and duty; as the faithfulness of a subject.
  2. Truth; veracity; as the faithfulness of God.
  3. Strict adherence to injunctions, and to the duties of a station; as the faithfulness of servants or ministers.
  4. Strict performance of promises, vows or covenants; constancy in affection; as the faithfulness of a husband or wife.

Synonyms for faithfulness noun devotion adherence
  • adhesion
  • ardor
  • attachment
  • care
  • constancy
  • dependability
  • trustworthiness
  • truth
This year these are the things I want to be reminded of.  I have had a few things I want to remain faithful to:
  • Blogging Regularly
  • Sticking to Trim Healthy Mama 
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Support Fellow Bloggers
1 Corinthians 4:2
Moreover, it is required of stewards that a man be found faithful.

Do you have a word for the year ahead? If so what is your word ? 


Today I am sharing my Word for the Year at the Homeschool Review Crew Link UP.

Homeschool Review Crew Reflecting on 2016

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