
Wednesday, 6 June 2018

To My Parents ... a painting of love {Virtual Fridge}

This Week
Can you believe it's June already?  Just Wow almost half way through 2018. This week as I was filing all the papers that I seem to collect in my office space I discovered a precious keepsake that I am pleased I kept. Sometimes it's hard to decide what to keep and what to discard.  This one had a little note written on the back:  "To my deareast parents Enjoy the picture. Love from your daughter Jane."  I have no idea how old Jane was when she painted this all I know is it's well over 12 years ago.  

Today Jane is creative, fun, loving, inspirational, energetic and much more. She made this gorgeous outfit for a Disney themed birthday party. It cost her $2 at the local opp shop. 

She's been well and truly bitten by the travel bug and I love to see the world through her eyes.  Her photography is stunning.  I do hope she starts a travel blog one day soon (hint hint Jane 😘). Check out her instagram @peachy_travels.

Mesmerize by Jane

Are you on INSTAGRAM ?  You can now use your IG account to link up an show us your art adventures.

This weeks Feature

This weeks feature is a tutorial from over atOur Unschooling Journey Through Life and is a step by step tutorial on making Marbled Paper using Spray Paint and Water.

Your Turn

I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing.
Virtual Fridge Link Up


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Please NOTE by adding your links to the Virtual Fridge link up YOU are giving the hosts of the Virtual Fridge link up permission to use a photograph from your blog to feature 
your ART along with a link to your art/tutorial.


  1. What a sweet memory and keepsake!! That's worth keeping. :-) I love her Mesmerize painting too!

  2. Aw, that is so sweet and her costume is amazing!


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥