
Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Homeschool Covid Isolation

I'm starting to grieve the lost year with my teen son.  At the start of the year I was enjoying watching his independence grow, new friendships being made and high school opportunities begining to open up.  All snatched away in what began as a four week flatten the curve exercise which has now morphed into something that words fail to describe. Here I sit six months later under what is effectively house arrest in Melbourne along with a fifth of Australia's population when...

A fellow homeschool Mom in a local homeschool group penned the following words which resonated with my heart and I would like to share with you today. (Shared with her permission.)

My heart is as heavy as yours.
As we joyfully see all other children returning to day care and school - enjoying their friendships and social time, and lessons as normal - but we privately mourn for our own children.
Because for the first time in history, group home education programs are considered socialisation. While all other children enjoy seeing their friends and learning together, our children remain in total isolation, not able to resume any of our cherished group learning programs. 
Homeschooled children need connection with friends too. They need normalcy too. They need their education to return to normal too. Homeschooling mothers need a break too. 
People may say things like “We’re in this together”. But it doesn’t feel like that right now. We feel excluded from the togetherness.
My gut tells me that I won’t see my children participating in their homeschool education programs until 2021. We haven’t had anything running since March, and while the past eight weeks of canceled day care and remote learning have been so hard for families... it’s been six months for us. Please think of us.
“All the world is my school” (George Whitman), if only it could be right now
 We are in plain sight yet forgotten.  What most families do not grasp is that this is not normal for us either.  We enjoy all the aspects of homechooling and covid schooling restrictions impact us too.  

How are you all coping with 'covid normal' and home educating?  



  1. You all are under such strict regulations is it shocking. I struggle with our own still and the responses around me to it all but I am horrified for you all. I pray for you often.

  2. we've had some unexpected fall-out from COVID in our household with a lad wondering if God really exists. So unexpected as our lad is such a "stay at It's a very hard season. Prayers would be STRONGLY appreciated.

  3. We are doing fairly well. Sports and activities are not the same. We miss our weekly CoOp the most!


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