
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Pregnancy is not an April Fools Joke

1 in 8 of your friends Struggle to get pregnant

Some of your friends have lost a baby

1 in 4 Pregnancies is lost in misscarriage 


I saw a post on Facebook today that touched me and I wanted to share the words of truth I saw there.  I've made my own graphic because...

I am 1 in 8

I spent more than a decade waiting for two pink lines...

Every four weeks...the reminder of another month of emptyness

A little one who asks... Mommy can we have a baby?

Sadness... Watching a child grow up alone

The guilt... at least you have one

The pain... a heartache that never leaves

Menopause ... the death of hope

I am 1 in 4

One day those lines did appear...

And a few weeks later I joined the statistic...

Words not to say to a grieving mother...  

Don't worry you will have another... I did not.

I watched other mothers go on to have multiple children

Empty arms on a due date ... Mother's Day

Mothers Day ... a birthday missed

The heartache ... that returns uninvited

The grief ... of empty arms

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