
Wednesday 18 January 2012

East African Chicken

East African Chicken
  • 1 small chicken
  • 2 teaspoons mixed herbs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Water
  • 1 cup of Basmati rice (or white rice)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 Onion finally chopped
  • 1 red capsicum chopped
  • 1 green capsicum chopped
  • 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • Optional (cream) 
  • Optional 1 punnet Mushrooms sliced.

  • Put mixed herbs, salt, chicken in a pot cover with water and boil gently till chicken is well cooked.
  • Keep chicken stock to one side.
  • De bone chicken and cut up chicken, set aside.
  • Put rice and 1/2 the chicken stock in a pot and cook.  Add more hot water if needed.
  • In another pot add butter, onion and capsicum. Stir on low heat till onions are soft and tender.
  • Add in the peanut butter and thoroughly mix in.
  • Add in the chicken stock (and some cream for a more creamy flavour)
  • Add in the chicken. Simmer for 15 min for flavours to seep together.
  • Optional add in mushrooms and cook for 10 min.
  • Mix cornflour in some cold water and add to chicken mix to thicken
Serve on a bed of rice with a green salad.

I do not like peanut butter but I love this recipe.


This post is linking with Growing Home Teach Me Tuesdays, Our Simple Country Life 3 Year Birthday Bash, Comfy in the Kitchen Featured Post Top 3 Link Up, Little Natural Cottage Natural Living Link Up, The Singing Sparrow Food Friday

This recipe contains peanuts.


  1. This recipe sounds so yummy! I'm going to try it in my next round of menus. I posted a recipe for Bavarian Beef today. My family loved it!!! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Yum! Is this the one we had at your place? Thanks for posting this; it's one I'll be trying in the very near future! God bless,

  3. Hello Mama Owl
    It is very yummy ! The Bavarian Beef recipe looks great. I will be trying it in the next week.

    Hi Linda
    It is the one I made the day you and your family came over. I used cream in the one I made for you !



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