
Friday 17 August 2012

HSMJ - Happy Birthday LEGO

In my life this week…
I have purposed to be home more this week and really enjoyed the experience.  Feeling more rested.We had the most glorious day earlier this week that has me longing for crystal clear spring days and warming up. I could hear the birds chattering and calling as they drank nectar from the tree next door.

In our homeschool this week…
  • We watched the Olympic 2012 closing ceremony and measured out the world records for men's and woman's high jump.
  • It was LEGO's 80th birthday last Friday and Jeanne posted this neat YouTube clip on their history.  Sir N and I enjoyed watching this together.
  • We are working on understanding place value in math. 
  • Sir N finished the third book in Language Arts Go For the Code.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I am inspired by…

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Saturday -We rested at home after our super busy week last week.
  • Sunday - I babysat my two nieces while my sister and her half went to the Canada expo in Melbourne.
  • Monday - Blew the dust off our bicycles and went for a ride to visit the T family. 
  • Tuesday - Kelly sports and shopping for a second hand couch. We also watched the Olympic closing ceremony.
  • Wednesday  Took Miss J for an interview and Sir N had swimming lessons
  • Thursday - Stayed home. 
  • Friday - Dinner date with the T family and shared a traditional South African pudding.  It's a variation of the Malva pudding that our family enjoys called Dutchman's pudding.

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Thinking about a statement Sir N made last week:  "Sorry I didn't hear you I was concentrating on my Thoughts!"

What’s working/not working for us…
  • school first in the morning.

Questions/thoughts I have…
  • Do you know of an Angry Birds game rehab ?  My son downloaded the android game on my tablet and this is where I now find Paul and Sir N on a daily basis.  :)
  • I am in the process of creating a Homeschool Curriculum board on Pinterest.  It's been a while since I have researched or heard about what's new.  Please have a look and let me know of curriculum to add to the list.
Things I’m working on…
  • Some ideas for posts on Homeschooling High School.  I'm considering joining in on the Homeschool High School Carnival which I read about at Seven Little Australians and is starting next month.
  • Making Character Trait Trading Cards to go along with the book Get Wisdom!  I feel a little frustrated as I was hoping that there would be an online template I could use for free. Alas I have not found one.
  • I am also back to by bible study and blogging with my Mom over at One Year Through the Word.
I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
On Pinterest I found...

I’m grateful for…
  •  For Homeschoolers on Pinterest who find all sorts of treasures to post onto their boards.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Do as little as possible, as well as possible.Cutting back is hard, but just as flowers bloom best when properly pruned, so will your life.- Kat in her post I'm done living a Walmart life




  1. I always find it interesting to read your blog posts and read about your season. We're just ending SUMMER and looking forward to fall! Sometimes you forget that others don't experience the same things - seasons - like you do!

    Looks like a productive week! And all those books you're reading! Phew! LOL I'm funny as I can only read ONE book at a time!

    1. :) I think I need to change the wording of what I'm reading to be more specific. Those are not books they are short articles on blogs. I have one book on the go at the moment although I do wish there were more.

      have a good weekend.

  2. Hi! I'm visiting from iHN! Thanks for all of the links! :)

    1. hello and welcome to my space. Thank you for visiting and you are welcome :)

  3. Thanks for sharing that video its great I just shared it with fellow lego geeks :)

    1. You are welcome. We really enjoyed it here.

  4. Hi. I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Blog award. To see the rules for this award go check out my blog at

    1. Hello :) thank you for the nomination :)

  5. I'm interested in what you think of the Robinson curriculum, Chareen? I really like its simplicity. We printed out a pile of books from their reading list, a couple of years ago, and it helped us to become more focused. We've moved away a bit, now, but its left a mark on how we do things.

    Thanks for the interesting links, Chareen.

    God bless:-)

  6. Sounds like a nice week; and good for you on purposing to just be home. =o) I'm sure that felt great.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥