As a family we were first introduced to The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty when we were given In Freedom's Cause for Christmas a few years ago. That was the beginning of our personal collection and we have thoroughly enjoyed every single episode as they have been released. The latest release is St. Bartholowmew's Eve and I think this one has become my favourite to date.
What we received
- A down loadable copy of St. Bartholowmew's Eve. (115 MB MP3 version)
- The music score is an original and written by Emmy Award Winning Composer John Campbell.
- Listening time: 2 + hours
- Recommended ages: 6 to Adult. (IF listening with younger children please be aware that some scenes are intense listening!)
- Featuring: Brian Blessed, Elizabeth Counsell, David Shaw-Parker, Brian Deacon, Andy Harrison and Hugo Docking.
How we used it
We were gifted a digital copy of St. Bartholowmew's Eve . After downloading it, I extracted it from it's zip file (114 MB).
We burned it to two CD's in the mp3 format to listen to in our old car stereo. We LOVE listening to audio drama's when we are travelling to our multiple weekly commitments OR on long holiday journey's. It's become a family tradition to take along our Henty Adventures!
About St. Bartholomew's Eve
This audio drama has been adapted from the book, St Bartholomew's Eve by G.A. Henty. George Alfred Henty was an English novelist and war correspondent and is best known for his accurate historical adventure stories. He wrote 122 works of historical fiction.
The story of St.Bartholomew's Eve takes place during the Reformation period in 1580 and is a tale of the Huguenot Wars. The story opens with Sir George finding his two young friends Ned and Sebastian skipping first service at church in favour of other exploits. He then shares with them the story of the Huguenot Wars and how their freedom to worship was obtained for them through the faithfulness of the Saints.
The story follows the life of 16-year-old Philip Fletcher an English lad, who finds himself living in France at the home of Henry of Nacarre. Henry and Philip side with the Protestants and join the service of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny who are standing up for the freedom to worship as they believe God has called them to do. Philip is an accomplished swordsman who quickly learns to use a hand gun and distinguishes himself in various battles, receiving recognition and promotion for his bravery.
Catherine de Medicis, the mother of Charles IX the French King had a growing fear of the influence that Admiral Coligny had over her son. In response to this she gives approval of a plot by the Roman Catholic house of Guise to assassinate Coligny. Due to the failed assassination attempt she plots with a group of nobles to kill the Huguenot leaders who were still in Paris for the wedding festivities of Catherine's daughter Margaret of France and the Huguenot Henry of Navarre. Just before dawn on August 24, 1572, the bell of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois began to toll and the Parisian mobs massacred more than 2,000 Protestant men, women, and children, and this in turn triggered further persecutions across France.
In response, soldiers of the Reformed Church took up arms against the slaughter. Philip found himself behind the battle lines of the Roman Catholic House of Guise, and he leads a squad of veteran soldiers as they fight for family and land. Philip's swordsmanship and wit take him through harrowing struggles, where he finds himself rescuing a woman of nobility.
Many of the surviving French Calvinists, known as Huguenots, flea from their land to various European countries, where they learn to overcome the great price they have paid for their religious freedom, and Phillip returns to England a hero.
Other Available Audio Drama's
- Captain Bayley's Heir
- In the Reign of Terror
- The Cat of Bubastes
- Beric The Briton
- The Dragon & The Raven
- With Lee In Virginia
- In Freedom's Cause
- Under Drakes Flag
- Wulf the Saxon
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80 other crew members reviewed St. Bartholomew's Eve, visit the Homeschool Review Crew to read their reviews or click on the image below.
This production has by far been our favourite story. It has encouraged our faith and enriched our understanding of the freedom we have to worship God. If you are looking for a wonderful gift for Christmas or want to add to your families listening library I highly recommend St. Bartholowmew's Eve by Heirloom Audio Production.s

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