Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tuesdays Treasures {27} - G.A. Henty

 Welcome to Tuesdays Treasures.  I started these posts as a way of sharing great books in honour of my friend in New Zealand who would arrive with the treasures she had unearthed at her weekly trip to the library!

There are so many wonderful books out there hiding on shelves so I invite you to blog about a book on your shelf, one you're reading or one you found at the library and add your post to Learning All the Time Favourite Resource Link Up.

I was over at Princess Warrior Lessons where Jo was speaking about Boys and Books on her blog.  This got me wondering what other great books are there out there for boys.  A few months back I talked about The Little Britches Series and 

This week ...

I would like to introduce you to G.A. Henty.

To quote Preston Speed Publications about Mr Henty: "Henty's stories revolve around a fictional boy hero during fascinating periods of history. His heroes are diligent, courageous, intelligent and dedicated to their country and cause in the face, at times, of great peril. His histories, particularly battle accounts, have been recognized by historian scholars for their accuracy. In fact, the only criticism Henty faced by the liberals of his day was that his heroes were "too Christian." There is nothing dry in Mr. Henty's stories and thus he removes the drudgery and laborious task often associated with the study of history."

We first encountered Mr Henty's brilliant story telling when we read

A Tale of Ancient Egypt

  • Format: Paperback
  • Number of Pages: 308
  • Vendor:  Dover Publications
  • Publication Date:
  • ISBN: 0486423638
  • Author G.A. Henty
Preston Speed says about these books: Henty's heroes fight wars, sail the seas, discover land, conquer evil empires, prospect for gold, and a host of other exciting adventures. They meet famous personages like Josephus, Titus, Hannibal, Robert the Bruce, Sir William Wallace, Sir Francis Drake, Moses, Robert E. Lee, Frederick the Great, the Duke of Wellington, Huguenot leader Coligny, Cortez, King Alfred, and Napoleon just to mention a few. Henty's heroes live through tumultuous historic eras meeting the leaders of that time. Understanding the culture of the time period becomes second nature as well as comparing/contrasting the society of various European and pagan cultures
I could not have said it any better myself.  You can safely buy these books and give them to your sons and daughters to read.

Many of the Henty titles are currently FREE** for your Kindle on Amazon !


Purchase these books from:
These links are NOT affiliate links
**Though free at time of posting, prices may change at any time. Please verify that the “Kindle Price” is $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer


  1. I haven't heard of these books before! They sound like good, exciting adventures. I like that many can be obtained free for e-readers.
    Thank you for sharing with Favorite Resources.

  2. You are welcome Susan. Enjoy :)

  3. Just *love* Henty's books!
    Really appreciated you letting us know about the downloads, we've stored away some titles we've wanted to read = happy readers in our home ☺

    1. You are welcome.

      I have only read a couple and have always wanted to read more. I have a few on the shelf and recently received a Kindle so was really pleased to see these.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥