Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Homeschool High School Curriculum Choices for 2020

Welcome to day three of the Homeschool Review Crew Not Back to School Blog Hop.  Today we are talking about Curriculum.

 Over the years I have used multiple curriculums.  You can read a Time Line of my Homeschool Journey here.  I just realised this does need some updating as it lists what we've done up until 2012. It will however give you a good overview of some of the things we have used. We joined the Homeschool Review Crew and spent a few years actively using different curriculums and writing reviews on them.

Last year we changed tack when Nathaniel asked what he needed to do to finish school.  We have chosen to switch back to Sonlight Curriculum basic package and work through four Cores in order for him to graduate.  He worked diligently last year and the begining of this year and completed World History Year One and ten weeks ago commenced on World History Year Two.

This year we are finishing our journey through World History which we started last year. We are covering history as it happened from 17th century to about 1990. One of the reasons I love Sonlight is it's not consumable.  I used this package with Jane and Timothy ten years ago and the beauty of history is it doesn't change! Sonlight uses twaddle free literature and so reading these books again brings back many happy memories for me.


My all time favourite math curriculum is Teaching Textbooks.  We invested in this program before it was available online.  So we are using the book and CD option.  This year Nathaniel is working his way through Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1.  I love Teaching Textbooks because it's like having an on call math tutor to explain every single sum.  It is also the first math program that was built for homechoolers from the ground up. 

For bible we are using Cover to Cover (Aff link) by Selwyn Hughes and Trevor Partridge.  It's a bible reading program that takes you through the bible chronologically. This hardback bible is over 2,000 pages containing scripture, maps, timelines, illustrations and diagrams to make the bible come to life.  We have diveded the readings to cover the last three years of high school. Cover to Cover is available in two biblical versions: Cover to Cover NIV Edition: Through The Bible As It Happened  and the Holman Christian Standard Edition.

I've added in two extra books to read.  The first is The Dig Tree: The Story of Burke and Wills. This gorgeous hardback book is unabridged and tells the story of discovering the interior of Australia. Sarah Murgatroyd uses original source documents to take you back to the events surrounding this famous part of Australian geographical history.  Read more about the book here

Lastly I have added in a new book by the author Dr Caroline Leaf: Think Learn Succeed. I have chosen this particular book as it helps you understand yourself, your potential and the people around you. It dispels some learning mythes and equips the reader with tools to learn and use our brains to the very best of it's ability.  Read more about this AMAZING book here

Dr. Leaf shows readers how to combine these powerful tools in order to improve memory, learning, cognitive and intellectual performance, work performance, physical performance, relationships, emotional health, and most importantly a meaningful life well lived.

Do you have any books on your must read for you and your teen list?


This year we are continuing our Language Arts journey with resources from  The Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW). For grammar we are finishing off Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree and will continue onto book two Fix It! Grammar Robin Hood. For composition and report writing skills we are utilizing Teaching Writing: Structure & Style DVD set. If you would like a more detailed look into these programs please read my review here: Institute for Excellence in Writing Review

We are working through book two of Trail Guide to World Geography by Cindy Wiggers.

Last but not least we will continue working through Getting Started with Latin by William E. Linney.(Aff Link).


More Posts on this blog on Curriculum

  1.  5 Days of Curriculum Choices {Fine Arts, Math, Science, History & Geography}
  2. 5 Days of FREE Homeschool Resources {Fine Arts, Language Arts, Science, History & Geography}
  3. Homeschool 4 FREE Resource List
  4. Virtual Curriculum Fair {Art and Music Appreciation, Social Studies and Science, Math and Logic, & Language Arts}


 Don't forget to read some of these great posts from Day two of the blog hop where our team talked about Must Have Resources ...

Kristen @ A Mom's Quest to Teach shares Homeschooling Must Have Resources and Supplies in Our Home.

Annette @ A Net in Time shares Nature Study Bring Alongs.

Jessica @ My Homeschool with a View shares My Top 5 Homeschool Supplies.

Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag shares Must Have Supplies ... For Mom.

Vicki B @ Tumbleweed News shares Homeschool Must Have Resources / Supplies.

Yvonne @ The Life We Build shares her Top 5 Favorite Homeschool Supplies and Resources.

Lori @ At Home: Where Life Happens shares Homeschool Supplies... Squirrel.

You can find more from this blog hop in the NOT Back to School Blog Hop Pinterest board or in the linky below.

Not Back to School Blog Hop Homeschool Review Crew

 Don't forget to see what the Crew have to share on Homeschool Curriculumn

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Chareen, what a cool list! We too used Sonlight for many years. For Jackson's senior year last year, we couldn't decide on one particular literature track so we pulled from British Lit, World Lit, and American Lit. That meant we had to come up with our own schedule and plan but we enjoyed the book variety. Nice to see you! --Wren

    1. I'm really enjoying Sonlinght this round. The first time we did it I had a toddler it was very busy. I'm pleased you are enjoying it.

  2. i wanted to check out cover to cover but all your links lead back to this post. looks like a good year

    1. Thank you for the heads up Annette. Blogger has switched over to a new interface and the hyperlink code had some weird stuff. I have updated the post now. Please let me know if the links work.

  3. I've looked at Sonlight a great number of times...maybe in the future we may go that route.

    1. Best decision we've ever made. I have peace of mind that someone else is setting the pace and keeping us on track.


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