I love the Lord Jesus and I have been married to my best friend Paul, who is currently a zoo keeper, and we recently celebrated our 20th Wedding Anniversary. We have been blessed with three roses. Our children are Mr T, Miss J and Mr N.
I am passionate about supporting and encouraging homeschoolers, homeschooling and books as well as great encouraging fellowship. I homeschool in Victoria Australia where there are legal requirements to home educate.
Meet my Roses
My first born rose is Mr T has finished his homeschool journey with me. He has completed a Cert II in Warehousing. Due to unexpected surgery he is at present exploring other options for his future.
My second born rose is Miss J and she graduated with a Cert III in Children's Services through Carrick in January 2012.
My third rose is Mr N who is seven years old and we embarked on our official homeschool journey from the 6th of June 2011.
My journey so far
I discovered the word homeschooling in 1997 when I immigrated to New Zealand with my first two roses and best Friend. The idea was a totaly new one for me and thus began our adventure into this enormous world of educating my roses at home. I spent around six months visiting many passionate stay at home mothers who willingly opened their homes and shared their knowledge and curriculum with me. They were honest and generous with the information I was seeking and every week I would come home with 'The One'. Eventually Best Friend said "Now exactly which one is it that WE will be using ??" Sigh I just could not make up my mind. So many many wonderful things I had seen and thought about and investigated.
About a week later when visiting a friend she gave me a Sonlight Catalog I was in love. Books and more books and an Instructors Guide with a money back guarantee. I had finally found what I had been searching for, in went my first order and the count down for box day began.
Since then I have explored a few different curriculums and my roses have graciously let me experiment on them and together we have learnt and grown along this journey. We have used among other things
Now I am more ecclectic in my approach. I really like the Charlotte Mason style education following a trivium learning curve whilst using good litrature. To read more about my journey in the Keystone Magazine Vol XVI No 82 from April 2010 contact Barbara at the Home Education Foundation in New Zealand.
I have blogged a more comprehensive Timeline of my Journey in 2012.
My Goal with this blog
My aim is to share great twaddle free books and resources as well as ideas with you as I discover them on my journey with Sir N.
My second aim is to share the things I have learned in my first 13 years of home educating my first two roses.
I look forward to sharing my journey with you

This year I will be reviewing for

On Sonlight

- See more at: Mom to Mom Curriculum Giveaway