Welcome and thank you for stopping over at Every Bed of Roses this is my personal blog. I am the only writer and editor. The content of Every Bed of Roses is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice.
I am happy to receive products for review in exchange for my honest opinion of the products. I do not receive or accept any monetary compensation for reviews, however I do accept and keep the products reviewed.
As a Mom with full time commitments to my family and my current commitment to home educate Sir N my time is valuable, so please understand that if you are requesting a review of an online or subscription service, such as a computer-driven math program, magazine, or other product with a monthly subscription, I will not review it for less than the equivalent of a full school year subscription.
Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider by you the purchaser.
I am happy to receive products for review in exchange for my honest opinion of the products. I do not receive or accept any monetary compensation for reviews, however I do accept and keep the products reviewed.
As a Mom with full time commitments to my family and my current commitment to home educate Sir N my time is valuable, so please understand that if you are requesting a review of an online or subscription service, such as a computer-driven math program, magazine, or other product with a monthly subscription, I will not review it for less than the equivalent of a full school year subscription.
Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider by you the purchaser.
About my links
The general links to home school sites, and products in my blog are NOT affiliate links unless otherwise stated. I do not receive any commissions or rewards for referring you to these sites. If at anytime this does change I will update this disclosure accordingly.
I do not and will not randomly link to random sites in my posts. The purpose of the links I use are for those readers who would like clarification about an idea or more information about a product I am talking about.
I am a homeschool Mom like you who is passionate about sharing information, the links that I do use will be for products or books that I am actually using or have used in the past.
Links to external, or third party Web sites, are provided solely for visitors' convenience. Links taken to other sites are done so at your own risk and Every Bed of Roses accepts no liability for any linked sites or their content. When you access an external Web site, please keep in mind that Every Bed of Roses has no control over its content. I seek to ensure that all content and information published at this Web site is current and accurate.
Reference within this site to any specific commercial or non-commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by me Chareen or Every Bed of Roses.
Affiliate Links
All the links to Book Depository on Every Bed of Roses are my Affiliate Link. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. This does not cost you any more, and it helps cover costs associated with purchasing books for our homeschool.
Privacy Policy
This blog does not share your personal information with third parties nor do I store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.
I am not responsible for republished content from my blog on other blogs or websites without my permission.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss a product review or giveaway please contact me directly at :
everybedofroses {at} hotmail (dot) com

My passion on Pinterest is encouragement, homeschool helps, Homeschool ideas covering a broad range of topics, fun, organisation, and home making.
I am committed to BLOG WITH INTEGRITY
displaying the Blog with Integrity badge and signing the pledge, I
assert that the trust of my readers and the blogging community is
important to me.
I treat others respectfully, attacking ideas and not people. I also welcome respectful disagreement with my own ideas.
I believe in intellectual property rights, providing links, citing sources, and crediting inspiration where appropriate.
I disclose my material relationships, policies and business practices. My readers will know the difference between editorial, advertorial, and advertising, should I choose to have it.
If I do sponsored or paid posts, they are clearly marked.
When collaborating with marketers and PR professionals, I handle myself professionally and abide by basic journalistic standards.
I always present my honest opinions to the best of my ability.
I own my words. Even if I occasionally have to eat them.

I treat others respectfully, attacking ideas and not people. I also welcome respectful disagreement with my own ideas.
I believe in intellectual property rights, providing links, citing sources, and crediting inspiration where appropriate.
I disclose my material relationships, policies and business practices. My readers will know the difference between editorial, advertorial, and advertising, should I choose to have it.
If I do sponsored or paid posts, they are clearly marked.
When collaborating with marketers and PR professionals, I handle myself professionally and abide by basic journalistic standards.
I always present my honest opinions to the best of my ability.
I own my words. Even if I occasionally have to eat them.