Thursday 21 March 2013

Join us for a day homeschooling {A Photo Diary}

Sometimes our days are slow (not very often may I add) and sometimes busy (more often than not!) but never is it twice the same. Today I would like to invite you to join us for a photo journey of a home school day at Every Bed of Roses. I do confess I am a shutter bug and love taking photo's and experimenting with the D-SLR I was given last year. In order to lower the number of images in this post I've created a few collages of our day.

This year we are continuing with using our environment to encourage learning. A home school family on the other side of Melbourne invited home school families to come over and join them for a day of  Science for Home Educators: "A Shocking Experience"

Our day of Science Adventure

First things first.  I needed to find some clean clothes in Mount Ironmore to iron for the day (How do you super Mom's do it ? I always seem to have a Mount Washmore or Ironmore!). Followed by breakfast and picnic preparations. We are loving having a cooler on wheels it goes everywhere with us these days.

Next it was time for my shower while Sir N practiced math facts on Math Rider and did lesson 19 with Children's Music Journey.  Before we left we had some quality time with Pugsley.

My friend collected us and we drove 70 km to the other side of greater Melbourne. We saw the Southern Star which is nearing completion.  We hope to go for a ride on this one day. Admired the architecture and listened to The Song of the Unicorn. Once we arrived in the suburb of our desired destination we looked for a park to enjoy a picnic lunch together.

Soon enough it was time to tackle the lab and learn about molecules, positive and negative charges.

We used rods of perspex, glass, polythene and something else I can't remember the name of. We rubbed them with a piece of woolen cloth to charge them up and checked to see if we could move water and pick up small pieces of paper.

We also used this little box (Gold Leaf Electroscope) with a gold leaf to see how static electricity moves through air and our own bodies.

Let the static electricity fun begin. We got to play with a Van De Graaff generator.  It was so much fun watching all the children's hair stick up! Sir N was so highly charged after his time on the generator he could pick up the little bits of paper on the bench!

All too soon it was time to leave the lab. We stopped at our park for another cup of tea and then it was time to pack up and drive home. We played with the DSLR in the tunnel, looked at the beautiful skyline of Melbourne and listened to Hallelujah Handle. Once home it was time to play a game or two on Mom's Galaxy Tab and touch base with cousins. Dinner was soon ready and then it was time for bed. Sir N slept very well after 140 km round trip !

My favorite moment 

This is my favourite moment of the day. We stopped for a cup of tea before traveling home and this is what we saw.

I agree with my bloggy friend Susan who encouraged me this week with Don't miss the Little Moments. I encourage you to take out your camera and capture those moments with your children. I have two teens as well and one has moved out. I wish now I had taken more pictures and had more memories. That time passes in a twinkling of an eye. If you need inspiration I invite you next week to take a journey with other home school Mom's ? Have a look at what the Crew have been up to this week: Our Homeschool Day in Pictures. (Coming Next Tuesday 26 March)


Photo collages made with: Photoscape a FREE photo editor


  1. How do I conquer Mount Ironmore?...I don't iron. Except if I'm sewing---and I try (really try) to take the clothes out of the dryer right away. Fewer wrinkles that way and the ones that do appear tend to fall out with wear.

    I love your day of learning, especially the finish. Blessings from the other side of the world.

    1. yes I think I need to adopt that philosophy. I don't mind washing but ironing gets to me. I think I need to change our clothing to low maintenance.

      I was stunned by the beauty of the sky at that moment.

  2. Thanks for including how you made the collages. I have wanted to do those but didn't know how. I will have to look into Photoscape!

    1. You are welcome. It's quite versatile but I tend to only use a couple of it's functions.

  3. Thanks for taking us along on your day! Loved it!

  4. Haha I have an ongoing pile of Mt. Ironmore too...except I don't really iron. My husband does it occasionally, but it's usually just as needed. My mother-in-law says it is her FAVORITE chore. Eeek!

    Anyway, that looks like a FANTASTIC day, and that is a beautiful picture at the end!

    1. Yikes ironing is at the bottom of my list! I agree with you Eeek

      It was a great day :)

  5. Love reading about your day!! (oh and I don't ever iron. ever! just pull clothes straight out of the dryer!) I love my canon rebel!

  6. Ironing- YIKES! Not around here. What a busy fun day you had. Thanks for sharing!


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