Thursday 25 July 2013

The Virtual Refrigerator {Claude Monet Inspired Art}

Welcome to the Virtual Fridge a weekly art meme where we can hang our children's art on a virtual fridge. This meme was started by Jennifer over at A Glimpse of our Life who kindly invited three other bloggers to take turns hosting this weekly meme.

Your hosts are
Thank you to Heather over at Only Passionate Curiosity for creating some new graphics / grab it buttons for our meme.

We recently spent a month studying the life and work of Claude Monet.  We used a lot of FREE resources on the web and books from the library.

On YouTube I found this great tutorial to Paint like Monet: A Beginners Guide

This is the result of Sir N's effort

"I am following Nature without being able to grasp her. I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers." Claude Monet
I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing. 

Every bed of Roses

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  1. That looks like fun! We're studying the Impressionists this year so it's always great to find new project inspiration.

  2. Very nice Monet-style painting by your son! My daughter loved trying Monet's style in her co-op art class. Thanks for sharing the video - I'll have her watch that sometime.

  3. Awesome job. We will link up soon.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥