Writing by hand is a painfully slow process for Nathaniel and I had been wondering how on earth I was going to teach him cursive? He was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Visual Sequencing issues last year which complicates learning to write. Some of his friends are now writing in cursive and he had asked me to teach him how. After exploring the CursiveLogic website and hearing the back story of the development of the Cursive Logic Workbook I was inspired to try it with Nathaniel.
"For centuries, cursive handwriting has been an art. To a growing number of young people, it is a mystery." - Kate Zezima The Case for Cursive, New York Times.What we received
- CursiveLogic
- Extra practice pages. You have the option of accessing The Gettysburg Address or Writing the Psalms by subscribing to Cursive Logic.
How we used it
This beautiful high quality spiral bound work book contains a total of 97 pages.
The binding is along the top of the page which means that it will not get in the way of the writing hand of the student.
The first three pages are introductory notes covering important topics such as correct positioning of the hand and book to enable successful writing.
The next six pages of the book covers the method used in Cursive Logic to teach cursive.
This is followed by four separate sections teaching the fundamentals to each group of letters known as strings to be learned. Each group of pages follows the same method of teaching which is really helpful as Nathaniel knew what to expect because they are presented in a logical colour coded manner.
Each lesson is broken down into basic steps:
- The letter group basic shape is introduced. Each string is colour coded which helps the student to clearly see the differences.
- A verbal chant is taught that accompanies the basic shape and flow of that particular string.
- Next they practice the completed letter strings.
- Complete words are taught straight away. This really helped Nathaniel see that he was able to write complete words quickly and with ease. This in itself was an excellent motivator to learn the next shape.
Once strings have been learned there are practice pages combining the different types of letters in a logical and easy manner. Each practice session builds on the last.
Page 70 shows all the letters of the alphabet joined together in alphabetical order.
At the end of the book there are a few pages with short notes on capital letters followed by a page on how to sign my name.
Upper and lower case practice pages.
The last two pages are laminated practice/review pages which can be used over and over with a dry erase marker.
Cost of Cursive Logic
- $29.00 per book.
Connect with Cursive Logic

Over All I thought ...
Nathaniel and I both love the simplicity and ease of Cursive Logic. I do not have to argue with him to practice and I am impressed with the way his handwriting has improved with this program. Due to the simplicity and ease with which he is learning I have seen his confidence grow in leaps and bounds each week. I highly recommend this excellent cursive program to anyone wanting to learn cursive regardless of their age.
If you have a special needs student this program is an excellent fit as it uses the different senses to reinforce what is taught.
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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