Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tuesdays Treasures - The Legend of the Sand Dollar

 Welcome to Tuesdays Treasures.  I started these posts as a way of sharing great books in honour of my friend in New Zealand who would arrive with the treasures she had unearthed at her weekly trip to the library!

There are so many wonderful books out there hiding on shelves so I invite you to blog about a book on your shelf, one you're reading or one you found at the library and add your post to Learning All the Time Favourite Resource Link Up

This week ...
This month I would like to share with you a few of the books we enjoy reading for Easter.
The Legend of the Sand Dollar

  • Format: Hardback
  • Number of Pages: 32
  • Vendor:  ZonderKids Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • ISBN: 978-0-310-70780-6
  • Author Chris Auer
  • Illustrator: Rick Johnson
I love a book with beautiful illustrations and this one definitely fulfills that criteria. From the dust jacket: Eight-year-old Kerry loves the ocean. But on this visit to the beach, she discovers a little-known treasure and learns of the story of Easter revealed in the sand dollar. Now you and your child can discover the story behind this small ocean treasure as stunning illustrations form the backdrop for this familiar seaside legend. Seen through the eyes of children, The Legend of the Sand Dollar shares the timeless hope of resurrection and new life---the promise of Easter.

The book is available from: Amazon, Fishpond, Book Depository, Kindle 


This post is linking to: Learning All the Time Favourite Resources

Monday 5 March 2012

Life in the Undergrowth [BBC]

DVD cover.
Recently we purchased Life in the Undergrowth (The Complete Series) produced by BBC EARTH.

As per their reputation the BBC have put together an excellent series. Stunning macro filiming bring you up close and personal with micro sized bugs not normally seen.

There are two discs containing the five episodes in the series:
  • Invasion of the Land
  • Taking to the Air
  • The Silk Spinners
  • Intimate Relations
  • Supersocieties. 
Each episodes runs for nearly an hour giving you a total of 275 min of running time.

From a creation point of view the only negative is the occasional reference to evolution as fact.  We are really enjoying watching this series of DVDs.

To Read more about the series
On YouTube

As a family we are enjoying this series of videos. What are the science / natural history video's that your family enjoys watching?
This post is linking to: Learning All the Time Favourite Resources

Friday 2 March 2012

HSMJ {16} of reading and blog buttons

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for homeschool mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Homeschool Journal and lets encourage one another on our homeschool journey.

In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week…
  • We made Paper Snowflakes.
  • Spent a light week on school as I was sick.
  • We watched The Secret Life of Plants.
  • We started a Printable Lenten Calendar for Kids.
  • I ♥♥ doing a Jesse Tree at Christmas and this week Collette shared her Jesus Tree over at The Art of Being Mama. The Jesus Tree is a continuation of the Jesse Tree and used during Lent to retell the story of the Life of Jesus.
  • Got our learning spaces in order.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
  • Remember your home school planner / Instructor Guide is your SERVANT not your MASTER YOU dictate the daily happenings not the guide !!!!
I am inspired by…

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Listening to Mr T play and build train tracks with Sir N

What’s working/not working for us…
  • Having a specific library book box.  I don't have to hunt the whole house down to find that missing library book anymore.
2012 in 2012
  • Read about this idea over at Behind the Scenes and was really intrigued.  I think I will give it a go.  Won't make 2012 I don't think but it will definitely help me de-clutter.
What  This Week Balance
2 Thrown Away 0 2
0 Sold 0 0
0 Donated 0 0
1 Returned to their owner 2 3

Running Total out of the goal 2012


Questions/thoughts I have…
  • I have been reading and listening to: Read, read, read, read to your children over at I Take Joy and wondering how much time do you spend reading to your children each day ?  How old were your children when you stopped reading to them ?
    Twenty Minutes a Day
    by Richard Peck
    Read to your children
    Twenty minutes a day;
    You have the time,
    And so do they.
    Read while the laundry is in the machine;
    Read while the dinner cooks;
    Tuck a child in the crook of your arm
    And reach for the library books.
    Hide the remote,
    Let the computer games cool,
    For one day your children will be off to school;
    Remedial? Gifted? You have the choice;
    Let them hear their first tales
    In the sound of your voice.
    Read in the morning;
    Read over noon;
    Read by the light of
    Goodnight Moon.
    Turn the pages together,
    Sitting close as you'll fit,
    Till a small voice beside you says,
    "Hey, don't quit."
Things I’m working on…
  • A blog button for A Charlotte Mason Companion Blog Hop I would like to host starting on the 21st of  March 2012.
  • Gathering books at the library to do Egypt in Expedition Earth next week with Sir N.
I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
  • Home Made Pizza
  • Macaroni and Cheese.
  • Mince and rice.
  • Gluten Free Cup Cakes.
I’m grateful for…
  •  A husband who is faithful and supports me in so many different ways.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…


This post is linking to:
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and The Homeschool Chick pop on over to read what other home school Moms are doing.