Friday 23 March 2012

HSMJ 19 - The difference between entertaining and Hospitality

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for home school mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Home school Journal and lets encourage one another on our home school journey.

In my life this week…
In our home school this week…
  • We started our Morocco Expedition Earth study.
  • Went on a trip to see the HMAS Castlemaine
  • We did a Picasso Inspired piece of art.
  • Have not completed Morocco this week as I intended so will need to finish on Monday when we start on Kenya.
  • Finished the letter "V" in spelling.  Wrote some letters to Grandad and Nanna.
  • Worked on math facts for the number seven.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I am inspired by…
  • Waste Time on this NOT that over at Relevant.  Here is a sneak peak: There is a danger of getting sucked too far into the online vortex, but it’s a danger that’s easily averted if we approach our time at the computer with a healthy sense of perspective and balance, along with a few basic goals............... Remember to head on over to Relevant and read the full article.
  • Living on Rice and Beans over at Always Learning.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Monday was a busy day we visited a friend for her birthday and then went to a home school mothers meeting.
  • Tuesday we joined my mom and some homeschoolers and went on a trip to see HMAS Castlemaine.
  • Wednesday  and Thursday we were at home.
  • Thursday night Paul and Sir N went on another night time adventure with some friends and came home very cold. Autumn has definitely arrived in Melbourne.
  • Saturday are going to visit a home school family for lunch / afternoon / evening catch up we have been trying to organise for over a year.
  • Counting down the months, weeks and days

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Listening to Sir N's exclamations of pleasure and excitement when he realised it's only seventeen sleeps till we fly out to South Africa.

What’s working/not working for us…
  • the laundry ....... 
2012 in 2012
  • Read about this idea over at Behind the Scenes and was really intrigued.  I think I will give it a go.  Won't make 2012 I don't think but it will definitely help me de-clutter.
What  This Week Balance
2 Thrown Away 0 2
0 Sold 0 0
0 Donated 0 0
8 Returned to their owner 0 8

Running Total out of the goal 2012


Questions/thoughts I have…
  • I've been asked to do some guest posts at a Home school blog and been wondering what sorts of things I should write about .........
Things I’m working on…
I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
  • Flathead Fish Cakes
  • Ambrosia
  • Looking for a Moroccan Dish to finish off our Morocco studies.  Any ideas ??
I’m grateful for…

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
  • There is a difference between entertaining and offering hospitality. Entertaining seeks to impress. Offering hospitality puts the emphasis on others so they feel refreshed, not impressed, when they leave your home. - Karen Ehman
Don't forget to pop over to read what other home school Moms are doing

Thursday 22 March 2012

A Charlotte Mason Companion Blog Hop

One of my all time favourite books is A Charlotte Mason Companion.

I have had this book for over 13 years now and whenever I am in need of some good home school encouragement I dig into this book.

As I have just re embarked on the homeschool journey with Sir N (my first two have graduated) I felt it's time to refocus and refresh.  The result is I would like to work through this book over the next few months and blog a little about what I learn once a month.

It does not matter how long you have been home educating there is something in this book for you!

 A Charlotte Mason Companion 
Monthly Blog Hop.

So here I would like to extend my invitation to you to join me in a Monthly Charlotte Mason Companion discussion blog hop. I would love to hear your thoughts, how you applied what you read, what worked what didn't ? etc

Upcoming Chapters
  • 2 April -
    Chapters 33{Nature Study}
    Chapter 34 {Nature for City Children}
    Chapter 35 {Neighbourhood Nature study} 
  • 30 April-
    Chapter 6 {The Atmosphere of Home} 
    Chapter 7 {Bickerings}
  • 28 May - TBA
  • 25 June - TBA
  • 30 July - TBA
A Charlotte Mason Companion is available from
(These are NOT affiliate links.)
Hope you can join me and share some homeschool encouragement.


For Further Reading:

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Picasso Inspired Collage from Practical Pages

I discovered today that Pinning it DOWN has been pinned to the wall. Why you ask ?
A note from Pam: Ah, doing what's right. Sometimes it is just so hard to do, and this is one of those times. It is with much regret that we announce that we will not be doing another Pinning It Down. Over the past few days it has come to our attention that many pinners are growing more and more concerned about the legality of Pinterest and choosing to delete their Pinterest accounts. This includes a number of the people who have participated with us in the past...... pop on over to Pams to read her full post on this issue.

Today Sir N and I decided to tackle a project from my Artist Studies board and do a Picasso Inspired Collage from Nadene over at Practical Pages 

 Sir N's project

We had a lot of fun together.  Some parts Sir N found hard but overall he is proud of his piece.

Pop on over to Practical Pages where Nadene has provided a great PDF download and step by step to accomplish this project at home.


Linking with
Grateful for Grace: What We're Learning