Thursday 16 January 2014

In the Style of Monet {Virtual Fridge}

This Week
It's been far too hot to do anything.  Actually it is 44'C (111'F) today where we live.  All we have done is focus on trying to stay cool. We have spent the majority of our week in the pool or the living room where we have an air conditioner.

Last year there was a Monet Garden exhibition in Melbourne and so we spent some time on a full  Monet Unit Study.  This is one of the pictures we did.  I found this project over at Johwey Redington - In the Style of the Great Masters: Claude Monet.  It's an outline download/printable that you paint in the style of Monet.

 Loved watching this one come to life with coaching and encouragement well done Sir N.

Featured This Week
We had so many wonderful link ups last week that it was hard to choose who to feature.  This week I have two for you

Over at Almost Supermom take a look at the Kandinsky Leaves Art Project.  These are new to me and definitely going to give them a try.

I have bookmarked this to do when our winter arrives this year

Trinity Snowman over at the Proverbial Homemaker.

Your Turn

I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing.
Virtual Fridge Link Up


The Virtual Fridge a weekly art meme where we can hang our children's art on a virtual fridge. This meme was started by Jennifer over at A Glimpse of our Life who kindly invited three other bloggers to co-host this weekly meme.

Your hosts are

The linky is on USA EST time and will be open soon.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Homeschool Statistic Infographic

I found this infographic recently and wanted to share it with you.  I do disagree with the arrogant attitude in the "Homeschool Domination" comment though.

I did find of the homeschool statistics in the Homeschoolers are Less Affected By External Factors very interesting and would love to know your thoughts...

Homeschool Domination
Created by:

Monday 13 January 2014

Math & Logic Resources {Virtual Curriculum Fair}

Welcome to my second post for the 2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair.  Today I'm sharing on Math and Logic, both what we do and some of the curriculum that is available in the homeschool market to help you with Math and Logic in your homeschool.

Math seems to be one of those topics within the homeschool environment that often comes up in conversation and here on the blog I've shared
In our homeschool we are following an eclectic approach this year incorporating a Charlotte Mason approach along with Delight Directed education and Sonlight.  We are working on strengthening Sir N's Math facts this year along with developing logical thinking via games.

For me one of the defining moments of understanding teaching math came after I read the article History and Research on the Teaching of MathI highly recommend you read this article before you make a decision on your math curriculum.

There are many benefits to playing logic (critical thinking) games  among which are the ability to tackle high school math.  With this in mind we will be making playing games a weekly feature to our homeschool this year.

Our Year Ahead


Scope and Sequence
When looking at changing math programs remember to take  scope and sequence into account.

  • Scope refers to the content.  In other words these are the topics covered(A to Z)
  • Sequence is the order in which the scope is taught (IE the order in which things are covered within the program)
It is important to know this about your math product or you might end up redoing math your child is already familiar with or you might end up skipping a whole lot of important content that your child needs in order to succeed at math.

Please go to my Math Curriculum page for a full page of links to resources.
Here are a few links to get you started.

On the Net

On Pinterest

FREE on the WWW

  • Critical Thinking Activities K-3 {Logic}Activities help students develop three important elements of critical thinking in mathematics: recognizing patterns, using visual imagery, and logical reasoning
  • Critical Thinking Activities 4-6Activities help students develop three important elements of critical thinking in mathematics: recognizing patterns, using visual imagery, and logical reasoning
  • Fallacy Detectiveintroduction to 23 logical fallacies and 10 propaganda techniques: what they are, how to spot them, how to avoid them
  • One Minute Answers to Skeptics' Top Forty Questions
  • The Thinking Toolbox Thirty-Five Lessons that Will Build your Reasoning Skills
  • Understanding the TimesThis 18-week curriculum helps you examine how each of the four dominant Western worldviews (Secular/Cosmic Humanism, Marxism/Leninism, Islam, and Biblical Christianity) uniquely interpret reality in different areas of theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, and more. 

Take some time this week to visit some of the other 2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair participants.

Some of these links will not be live until tomorrow due to time zone differences as these bloggers are from across the globe.

What are you using for Math and Logic this school year?  Susan has invited you all to share what you are using and add your link to the linky
