Saturday 22 February 2014

Making 'Grab my Button' buttons line up

Sometimes when you grab buttons and want to add them to a page they get all jumbled up, different sizes, some are in the center and others to the left. This can be a little quite frustrating.

Tweaking the code to make them all line up is a relatively easy affair because all you need to do is delete code from the new buttons. I am using colour to help you see the parts of the code and what to do to them.

Parts of code and what they mean

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Every Bed of Roses" target="_blank"><img src="" height="125" alt="Every Bed of Roses"  width="125" /></a></div>

  • The blue part of the code tells the button to please stand in the center of where ever you place it. 
  • The red part in the code tells the button what size to be. Some buttons come with this some do not.  It's easy to add in.  Add it in near the end of the second last bracket < > before the forward slash /  
  • The green part of the code tells the browser to please open in a new tab. 
  • The pink part is followed by the internet address for the graphic.
  • alt and title - following this is the name of my blog.  If a graphic can't load it will read the words 'Every Bed of Roses'
  • A forward slash in HTML means end something.  Instructions always come in two's.  Begin something end something.  That's why there are two brackets in blue
You add two buttons to your blog and you want them to be the same size, line up next to each other but when you add the next button you end up with this
Every Bed of Roses
Ben and Me

Tweaking the Code
The secret to making buttons stand next to each other is to remove all the center instructions that come with any new buttons you add. As well as making sure that the heights and widths are all the same.  Here is some sample code for four buttons to stand side by side.  This is what the HTML looks like:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Every Bed of Roses" target="_blank"><img src="" height="125" alt="Every Bed of Roses"  width="125" /></a></div>

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Ben and Me" target="_blank"><img src="" height = "200" width = "200" alt="Ben and Me" style="border:none;" /></a></div> 

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Every Bed of Roses" target="_blank"><img src="" height="125" alt="Every Bed of Roses"  width="125" /></a></div>

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Ben and Me" target="_blank"><img src="" height = "200" width = "200" alt="Ben and Me" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

  • The first <div align="center"> and last </div>  need to stay. All the blue ones need to be deleted. 
  • Ben and Me buttons are bigger than I want.  The height and width is currently "200"  I want all my buttons at 125 so I change these manually. 
  • Your code now looks like this 

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Every Bed of Roses" target="_blank"><img src="" height="125" alt="Every Bed of Roses"  width="125" /></a>

<a href="" title="Ben and Me" target="_blank"><img src="" height = "125" width = "125" alt="Ben and Me" style="border:none;" /></a>

<a href="" title="Every Bed of Roses" target="_blank"><img src="" height="125" alt="Every Bed of Roses"  width="125" /></a>

<a href="" title="Ben and Me" target="_blank"><img src="" height = "125" width = "125" alt="Ben and Me" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

The result looks like this

Every Bed of Roses Ben and Me Every Bed of Roses Ben and Me

If you want your buttons to stand next to each other in a narrower column you might need to tweak the size code numbers until you can make your buttons line up.  Be sure to do the widths and heights for all the buttons.

If a button does not come with a width / height code simply add in height = "125" width = "125" near the end of your image code before the last forward slash and bracket < add it here /></a>

Happy button adding.  If you have any trouble leave me a note in the comments and I will be happy to help you. I would love to see the results of your new lined up buttons so leave a link to your blog too.


Tutorial: Making a Grab My Button

Friday 21 February 2014

The Elements {Tuesdays Treasures}

The Elements
  • Format: Paper back /
  • Number of Pages: 
  • Publisher:Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers 
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-57912-895-1 
  • Author  Theodore Gray 
  • Photographer: Nick Mann 
  • Available from Book Depository and Amazon or from The Periodic Table as well as from the App Store
You can view sample pages arranged alphabetically, by Atomic Number and Text Listing

I am so excited about this book which arrived today.  I first heard about Theodore Gray when I saw his popular YouTube clips a couple of years ago.  He sings his way through the periodic table and my favourite clip of his physical elements table.

Some YouTube Clips on elements
This book is a wonderful addition to anyone's bookshelves.  It is a photographic journey through the entire periodic table.  Theo started his journey to collect samples of ALL the elements for his wooden periodic table a journey that was completed in seven years.  This collection now contains more than 2,300 objects representing every element on the periodic chart. The book contains a visual catalog of each element in it's pure form followed by an array of everyday objects containing the element. 

What's your favourite science resource for the Periodic Table of elements ?

Every bed of Roses

 Welcome to Tuesdays Treasures.  I started these posts as a way of sharing great books in honour of my friend in New Zealand who would arrive with the treasures she had unearthed at her weekly trip to the library!

There are so many wonderful books out there hiding on shelves so I invite you to blog about a book on your shelf, one you're reading or one you found at the library. Grab the button for your post and add a link to your post below. I would love to read about your treasures. 

Thursday 20 February 2014

Using Circles in Art {Virtual Fridge}

This Week
We have been continuing our art journey through Art with a Purpose Artpac 2 and this week we learned how to draw all sorts of things with circles

Featured This Week
We had some wonderful art shared last week thank you to all who linked up.   Be sure to head on over to  Raventhreads and take a look at their Cherokee Booger Mask

Your Turn

I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing.
Virtual Fridge Link Up


The Virtual Fridge a weekly art meme where we can hang our children's art on a virtual fridge. This meme was started by Jennifer over at A Glimpse of our Life who kindly invited three other bloggers to co-host this weekly meme.

Your hosts are