Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 2 of 5 Real Life Homeschool and a word about schedules

Welcome to Day Two of Real Life Homeschooling.

At present our family is adjusting our homeschool schedule and rhythm. Due to a change in our circumstances we are currently seeking a new rhythm that will help us succeed in the years ahead.
This year I have taken on a part time position as an Assistant Social Media Manager, Nathaniel and I are learning to work around a new A.S.D. (Aspergers) diagnoses and to complicate things Paul works on a nine day rotating roster that might soon be changing.

Homeschool rhythms and schedules are unique to every family.  It is determined by many factors including the size of your family, number of children being home schooled, ages of the children and legal requirements of the country and state you live in.  Other factors that influence your chosen rhythm are your personality, learning and teaching styles, extra curricular activities, goals and the specific needs of your family.  It is a foolish thing to try and mimic the methods of other homeschool families.

Remember a schedule needs to grow and change with your family.  Your children are growing, changing and maturing. What is working well today might not work so well in six months time. Take regular time to reevaluate your schedule and tweak it to suit your family.

As mentioned before we are trying to implement a Charlotte Mason approach in our home education model. Charlotte has this to say: "Every lesson must have its own time, and no other time in this world is there for it. The sense of the preciousness of time, of the irreparable loss when a ten minutes' lesson is thrown away must be brought home." - Charlotte Mason Companion page 93

Scripture too has some sage advice about schedules:
After reading these scriptures I have become more aware of our need for an official schedule. Homeschooling an only child is very different to homeschooling two or more students.  The potential for becoming side tracked is so easy to do. I have been reading through Motivate Your Child and have decided to write up a schedule and then have a meeting with Nathaniel and get his input on it before finalising it. Once it has been finalised I will share our new schedule here on the blog.

Our Morning

Loom bands have reappeared in our home this week and it doesn't matter where I go I'm finding little elastic bands.  This is what the dinning room table looked like this morning

Loom bands have returned.
This morning started at 7:15 am with a lovely cup of tea from Paul followed by dropping him at work.  We're a single car family so whenever I need the car I have to take Paul to work.  We are starting a Unit Study later this week and I want to visit a couple of libraries for resources.

When we returned home I needed to phone Jane in the USA as she was really unwell last night and I was very worried about her.  Please add her to your prayer lists.

My Mom then rang and we touched base on a few things while Nathaniel ate breakfast.  We then used our new favourite App for school Netflix. 

We watched:
Horrible Histories Series One Episode Two (sample on YouTube) We learned  more horrible history.  Some of the things we learned were:
  • The Paroah had extended family executed in order to protect themselves on the throne
  • Stoneage Man preserved skulls of relatives
  • Francis Bacon established the scientific method and freezing chickens 
  • Banana's were first sold in Britain in 1663
  • Carrier Pigeon Mary of Exeter was awarded a medal in the second WW
  • They used urine to clean clothes in the Middle Ages.
It's quiet interesting just how many historical facts they pack into one half hour episode.

We had also borrowed some DVD's and so we covered history, biography and science
  1.  The Jim Elliot Story from The Torchlighters series (YouTube sample).
  2.  Wilderness Discoveries DVD Vol 1 Sand, Snakes and Screeching Birds.  I am very impressed with this DVD and their approach to teaching about nature from a biblical perspective.
Our Afternoon
  • This afternoon we tackled math.  Nathaniel is currently working on a math recovery program with A+ Interactive Math {Adaptive Placement Test and Individualized Lesson Plan} He is finding this a little bit of a challenge so I will be shifting math to the second thing on our schedule from tomorrow.
  • We went to my sisters place for a visit and some help with a recipe for Trim Healthy Mama.  I'm wanting to make Skinny Chocolate and her version tastes divine but mine did not work out.  So she made me a batch.  It was also an opportunity to get some fellowship in with her children as it's currently school holidays in Vic Australia.
  • Next stop was the library in order to find resources for a new review product Nathaniel and I are working on: Knights & Nobles {Once a Week Unit Study} We are looking forward to starting this on Friday.
  • We squeezed in some shopping and then it was time to collect Paul from the zoo.
 Our Evening
  • We rang my parents in law in South Africa.  We so appreciate being able to connect with family in real time.  When we first migrated here 19 years ago all we had was snail mail.  Now we can use the internet and see their faces and talk it's made such a positive difference being able to connect with our family around the world.
  • Paul attended a men's dinner at our church.
  • I did some social media work from 6:30 to 9:30 pm.
  • Timothy cooked dinner and watched Bolt with Nathaniel
  • 8:30 Nathaniel went to bed
  • 9:30  - 11 pm I spent some time blogging.

The Schoolhouse Review Crew are running an Instagram Challenge and invite you to join in the fun.   Be sure to tag your photographs #TOSReviewCrew.

You can follow our day to day adventures on Instagram via ChareenR

What are your thougths on Homeschool Rhythms ? Remember that once you have structured your plan and have embarked upon your new adventure be aware that you will need to make regular small course corrections to stay on track.  The winds of time, health, seasons, understanding and interruptions will blow. On occasion the storms of life may blow you off track so it is imperative to take some regular time to course correct and refocus and move forward.

Blessings until Tomorrow

Other posts in this series
Here are 10 new Homeschool bloggers sharing their journeys of Real Life Homeschool this week
  1. For This Season
  2. Unexpected Homeschool
  3. For Him and My Family
  4. As We Walk Along the Road
  5. Growing in His Glory
  6. Homeschool Coffee Break
  7. Daily Life
  8. There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining
  9. Proverbial Homemaker
  10. ElCloud Homeschool

Monday 6 April 2015

Day 1 of our Real Life Homeschool

Real Life Homeschool Blog Hop
Welcome to day ONE of this weeks show and tell brought to you by the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  Often times when we look at blogs we see the picture perfect homeschool lives that bloggers choose for you to see.  This week however 52 homeschool families have decided to give you a look at our day to day lives.

My goal is to give you a peek into what homeschooling looks like for us.  We are a Christian, eclectic, mostly Sonlight, Charlotte Mason driven homeschool.  I have been homeschooling for  17 years and over time I have discovered that I love the principles of a Charlotte Mason model, along with chronological history and Sonlight Curriculum.

To be honest with you there is NO such thing as a typical homeschool family.  Each and every family has their own unique way of doing things.  Please do not read the posts in this series with the view of copying what we do as that's a sure fire recipe for failure.  It's important in your homeschool journey to find out what works for you and follow that path.

As a family we tend to be fairly flexible in our approach because Paul works a rotating roster which means that each week he is home on different days. This year I started working part time as a Social Media Assistant for the Old Schoolhouse. As a result we are trying to establish a new routine and find a rhythm that will work well for us.


Nathaniel is currently my only student.  My first two children have graduated.  Timothy is currently looking at tertiary study options and Jane is currently taking a GAP year and traveling around the world.

 Our Morning
Today my day began at 7 am due it being Paul's first day back on his roster.  He left for work at 7:30 am and I looked over The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Daylight. I am feeling really encouraged reading this book. Heidi St John shares some wonderful down to earth encouragement and practical advice.We had breakfast and a slow morning due to it being a public holiday in Australia. Nathaniel had breakfast and then I did a session of Walk Strong by Leslie Sansone.

Next I rang Jane in America and we had a wonderful time chatting for an hour. Next it was Nathaniel's turn to chat to her.  We've really been enjoying having access to her via Skype, Facebook and land line. This is her first Easter away from home so it was really good to be able to catch up with her about what she's been doing and where she's been going.

Netflix recently launched in Australia and we are currently making use of their introductory offer of one month free viewing. Since it's a public holiday we decided to do some TV schooling.

We watched:
  1. Horrible Histories Series One Episode One (sample on YouTube) We learned a lot of horrible history.  Some of the things we learned were: What did the German soldiers eat in the second World War, The Four King Georges, Rules on a Pirate Ship (did you know they had an 8 pm bed time ?), the burial traditions of Ancient Rome and how this became the foundation of the Gladiator Games, the lice problems the troops encountered in WW1 and some points of interest about Vikings.
  2.  The Great Ship which is part of The Seven Wonders of the Industrial World series. SS Great Eastern was designed by IK Brunel and built in London.  The ship was revolutionary in that it had a double hull, she was launched in 1858. Due to her size she was eventually used to lay cable across the oceans between continents.
  3. Walking with Dinosaurs episode one from the BBC. Neither of us were particularly impressed with this series after episode one.
Our Afternoon
Lunch time was enjoyed in the beautiful autumn sunshine outside. We enjoyed a cuppa together before we came back inside to tackle the house keeping chores.

Once the chores were completed I allowed Nathaniel to watch a children's movie on Netflix whilst I tackled some work I promised a friend help with online.

Jo popped by to give her son a hand with taking his things back home.  It was so good to connect with Jo and find out how things are going with Build Aid.  This amazing family are helping missionaries overseas to build their accommodation and schooling.  They are currently working in Vanuatu.

I wrote a note to Jane.

Paul arrived home from work and had managed to capture some wonderful photographs of a Flame Robin.  If you love wildlife photography I encourage you to follow him on Instagram. His username is servalpaul

Our Evening
I cooked dinner consisting of stir fried mince over fried cauli' rice and cabbage salad. We watched two episodes of Eureka and at 8:15 pm Nathaniel went to bed.

8:00 - 9:30 I spent blogging and then joined Paul to watch the second half of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

11 PM Bed Time

As I mentioned before not a typical day for us due to it being a public holiday.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow.


PS some encouragement from Heidi St John: "If you are at the end of your home school rope, tie a knot and hang on."

To get you started on meeting new homeschool bloggers here are 10 of the crew participating this week:
  1. Ben and Me
  2. Footprints in the Butter
  3. Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
  4. Raventhreads
  5. Counting Our Blessings
  6. Homeschooling for His Glory
  7. Ozark Ramblings
  8. Chestnut Grove Academy
  9. Only Passionate Curiosity
  10. Farm Fresh Adventures

Saturday 4 April 2015

Time is a gift {HSMJ}

 In my life this week…

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

In our home school this week…
  • We spent a lot of time studying the Weather in our Unit Study unit this week.
  • Continued with our online learning ( www.startoaster.com )
  • Started A+ Tutorsoft math recovery
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • No where this week due to it being school holidays here.
My favourite thing this week was…
  • Staying up late with friends on Saturday night to watch the Blood Moon.
Things I’m working on…

 On the WWW I’m reading…
 I’m cooking…
  • We've started a Trim Healthy Mama support group that meets monthly.  For this months meeting I cooked Loaded Cauliflower.  It was delectable.


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