Thursday 15 December 2011

Be True to Yourself.

This weekend while spending time with my sister she encouraged me saying: “Be true to yourself.”   

I have really been struggling with feelings of insecurity, yes even after 14 years of homeschooling! 

As I went through my week my heart kept reaching for His.  “Lord why do I feel this way ?” 

and His reply kept echoing.  “Be True To YOURSELF”  

While over at Jo's place take a look around.  Her blog is full of rich lessons learned from the King.  

Lessons that will inspire and encourage you.



  1. Thank you so much for sharing your heart on my blog. I know that your words will encourage a lot of women. I know I was encouraged reading it. xo

  2. Hi again, Chareen! Just want to tell you I'm so glad I popped over there to read your post! Just what I needed to hear today...things I've been pondering, too. And so kindly written. Thanks for sharing!



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