Tuesday, 11 August 2020

My Must Have Homeschool Resources

Yesterday we looked at homeschool traditions and why to have them in your homeschool.  Today we are asking the question "What are your must have resources for your homeschool?  That's a good question. I'm an easy homeschool Mom to please as I don't have a very long list. One word of caution when looking at the picture below.  You do NOT need your own library in order to home educate. Books are my passion and love and as a result I have spent almost three decades investing in these shelves.


Quality Twaddle Free Literature

As a bibliophile our family is surrounded in books. I feel so blessed that Paul has allowed me to indulge in my passion. One word of caution when purchasing books at your local book fair/secondhand trader or catalog becareful that you do not purchase twaddle.  Twaddle is a word describing low quality literature.  You can read about twaddle and how to know what it is here:  How does Charlotte Mason define Twaddle? Over the years our family have enjoyed many wonderful books and I hope to keep sharing them here in my Tuesday's Treasures Collection.

IF you are wondering where to start or how to create a list of books to have on your shelf take a look at this post:  Book Resource List it's my confession as a book-a-holic.


I-Clips Magnetic Book Marks

My second must have are i-clips.  These magnetic clips come in numberous colours and patterns to suit your taste.  Search for i-clips on Book Depository (Aff link). These clips measure 57 mm from tip to tip when open, 18 mm wide and 28 mm from edge to tip when closed. I-Clips are magnetic and therefore will not fall out of your book.  The pointed end also helps you to mark the precise spot on the page.



This is one that I think we sometimes spend too little on.  We choose to buy cheap in order to save money and in the end we end up with frustrated students because the tools we supply are lacking in quality.  I highly recommend purchasing Faber-Castell with SV Bonding.  To read more about pencils, erasers and glue take a look at my post on Stationery My Homeschooling Essentials.

What are your Homeschool Must Have Resources??


 Don't forget to read some of these great posts from Day one of the blog hop where our team talked about traditions...

Yvie @ Homeschool on the Range shares 20 Best Educational Subscription Boxes (we let the kids choose a new one at the beginning of each school year)

Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag shares Back to School Traditions

Vickie B @ Tumbleweed News shares Homeschool Traditions {NOT Back-to-School Blog Hop}

Adrienne Brown @ Practicalmindedness shares on Traditions that seal the heart.

Teresa B @ Teresa Brouillette shaes Homeschool Traditions.

Annette V @ A Net in Time shares Starting a New School Year

Kristen @ A Mom's Quest to Teach shares Homeschooling Taditions for the New Year.

Lori @ At Home: Where Life Happens shares Traditions for Back to School.

Yvonne @ The Life We Build shares Our Homeschool Traditions.

You can find more from this blog hop in the NOT Back to School Blog Hop Pinterest board or in the linky below.

Not Back to School Blog Hop Homeschool Review Crew
 Don't forget to see what the Crew have to share on Homeschool Must Have Resources. Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. I find it interesting that you love the iclips. I find that magnetic clips become things to fiddle with ergo get broken or lost. Paper bookmarks work best with us.

  2. Good literature is so important! My husband just built a library for me to store all of our book collection.

  3. My youngest loves her magnetic bookmarks. They were a fabulous purchase we made a while back and they have been a great thing for her. And books - I wish we had space to have as many books as I would like but we just keep updating the collection and passing along our favorites that we have outgrown.


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