No new art for us this week. We are still up at Fox Hill enjoying the peace of the Australian bush and reading loads of read-alouds so our art classes are on pause as we take a break from our usual routine. I am looking forward to returning to our drawing class next week Thursday. We are still working our way through the Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre.
Featured This Week
This month's link up has some amazing tutorials and ideas for you be sure to check out what other bloggers are showcasing on their blogs. Since it's March and the theme is green to coincide with St Patricks day, today's feature is from Fun with a Message. You will find a full tutorial on a St.Patrick's Day Art Project.
Your Turn
I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing. If you are looking for a theme or a challenge for your artistic endevours this month choose something to do with the colour GREEN.

Connect with me
The Virtual Fridge a weekly art meme where we can hang our children's art on a virtual fridge. This meme was started by Jennifer over at A Glimpse of our Life who kindly invited three other bloggers to co-host this weekly meme.
Your hosts are
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