In my quest to find living geography books that are twaddle free I discovered The Adventurous Mailbox. Crameye Junker has become one of our favourite tour guides and we love his humour and adventurous can-do attitude!
"Our primary goal in this endeavor is to help children learn different ways of thinking and being at an early age, while inspiring them to learn other languages, travel the world, and lead well-examined lives." - The Adventurous Mailbox
What we received
- Series One of The Adventurous Mailbox containing a welcome note, beautiful sturdy box containing books one to eight.
- Access to Crameye's World
- Teacher's Lounge
How we used it
Our box arrived in the mail in triple quick time. The best part is that the box was addressed to Nathaniel directly. He loved receiving a parcel in the mail.
This letter contained a welcome note to M.I.T.C.H. and how to access it via the internet at along with a special password.
In the letter you discover Crameye has the funniest sense of humour which appeals to children and adults alike. Here is a little excerpt:
"Also, though these books are for YOUR EYES ONLY, and though they would add a good deal of fiber to your diet, DO NOT eat these books after reading them to destroy the evidence. That would be really weird. ..."
The hard cover box is made of good quality cardboard. It contains books one to eight covering seven countries.
- Finland (55)
- Taiwan (52)
- Brazil (44)
- Thailand (48)
- Greece (56)
- Tanzania (44)
- Peru (44)
- Peru Too (48)
The books have been written from Crameye Junker to you in a letter narrative. In book one Crameye introduces his friend Neva and himself to you. Together they embark on their first independent adventure with the blessing of their fathers. The books are written to you from your new penfriend. The tone of each of the books is that of a friend sharing their latest undertaking with you. Crameye has a terrific sense of humour and as we've read each book we have searched all over for the little fun notes that are there for you . (click on the graphic to view in full screen to read)
Crameye Junkeye does not assume you know anything about where he is or the culture. In his letter to you the reader he introduces you to the country he is in, gives you geographical information (country name, the capital, the language, money, transport systems), cultural information (food, customs, money). Between Crameye and Neva they get into some pretty interesting adventures together and if you are observant you can pick up on some very interesting clues too!
Each book opens with a greeting in the local language of the book. The next page has a map highlighting the country that Crameye is sharing with you. The books finish with a farewell from Crameye and an addendum containing:
- Picture of country and or flag
- Country name
- Location
- Population
- Flag
- Language
- Politics
- History
- Religion
- Culture
- People
- Animals
- Interesting Facts
As you work your way through the books you will meet the main characters.
For the Parent
The Teachers Lounge has been designed to support you and provide content to broaden your child's learning experience.
- A Forum - Containing a board for each book.
- Recommended links for student research and additional lessons.
- The lessons are arranged in Workbooks . These are available to you in Word and PDF format.
- Workbooks cover the following areas:
- Vocabulary - fill in the blanks, choose the response, rewrite the sentences, multiple choice, definitions & crosswords.
- Reading Comprehension - Full workbooks, the teachers book, OR you can download separate areas to work through
- Academic Writing - Full workbooks, the teachers book, OR you can download separate areas to work through
- Critical Thinking projects, group work and country specific lessons.- Full workbooks, the teachers book, OR you can download separate areas to work through. Exploring events and ideas, cultural qualities, demonstrate your powers of observation, web search activity, cultural netiquettes, creative reasoning, brain teasers and mini guidebooks.
For the Student
Crameye's World is an online portal to many different things. It is has been specifically designed for students in the age range of 8 to 12 years old. The Adventurous Mailbox takes you and your childs online safety seriously and as a result have designed the site with multiple checks and balances in place. You can read all about it here: Privacy and Safety policy for Crameye’s World. I am pleased to say there is NO Advertising on this site at all.
In this area you will find:
- Update user information
- World language information - Four characters who speak a total of eight languages between them. Here your student can see a language written/translated and interesting facts about the language.
- A Forum - This is divided into several areas (Ask your question to a specific author, Share your written adventures and a few others...)
- Links to interesting places on the web in reference to the country in the books.
- Links to the characters blogs
- UNESCO World Heritage sites
- World Cuisine
- Games
- Music from around the world
- Contests
- Series ONE Adventure Package - $79
- Monthly delivery option - $99
- Teacher's Lounge - $20
Recommended Age Range
- Reading level 4-5th grade
Over All I thought ...
We love The Adventurous Mailbox! The personalized touch is so rare in today's world. I am very impressed with the quality and presentation of every item contained in the box. Nathaniel loved receiving a parcel which was addressed specifically to him! He loved the secret code and invitation.
We're a family who love to travel and explore. Each book has caught our attention and fueled our desire to know more. Crameyes' humour is spot on my tweens sense of funny and the hidden notes are an extra bonus.
We are looking forward to Series Two and hope it will be available soon.
We really like TAM books and can't wait to see the next in the series.
ReplyDeleteThis looks very interesting. Might be a great thing to continue with once our kiddos have grown out of Little Passports.
ReplyDeleteThis looks intriguing! I had not heard of it before.