Showing posts with label Language Arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language Arts. Show all posts

Monday 5 January 2015

Language Arts for 2015

In preparation for the new year and this weeks Virtual Curriculum Fair topic of Language Arts in your homeschool, I have been looking over some of my older posts on the topic.  It's been good to refresh my thinking on the topic of Language Arts.  In 2015 my mini goal is to continue in a Charlotte Mason approach with some Delight Directed education and Sonlight.

Over the last year I have come to realize that Sir N is in need of some coaching in the area of Language Arts.  In the year ahead I would like to continue working on strengthening his writing skills through copy work and hand writing practice.   

What is the definition of Language Arts? It is the study of grammar, composition, spelling and (sometimes) public speaking.

In 2015
We will be continuing with WriteShop Primary this year.  This program is an excellent way to introduce composition to reluctant writers and primary school aged students. I like doing the projects with him because they are not simply busy seat work they specifically designed to be a creative way to help him remember the new things he is learning each time we do WriteShop. It's ultimate purpose is for Sir N to learn that Writing = Fun!

Last year I began using Logic of English with Sir N and was really impressed with his progress.  This year we will continue our lessons with the goal of completing the program.

This is not synonymous with spelling. We will continue to work though Spelling Workout starting with book B this year. I am also compiling a list of classical books we will be using as read alouds throughout the year ahead.

I haven't yet settled on a grammar program.  I have two books I'm considering.  The first being English for The Thoughtful Child by Mary Hyde OR Karen Andreola's Simply Grammar: An Illustrated Primer.

This is something I want to focus more on this year with Sir N.  There are so many incredible benefits to the student in developing this skill.
  • Narration Adheres Vocabulary to the Mind - CMC Page 167
  • Narration strengthens and challenges all the powers of mind. Attending, remembering, visualizing, comprehending, synthesizing (seeing the whole from the parts), and articulating. - CMC Page 115
  • Helps the student to organize their thoughts with ease
  • Narration helps a child to train his/her mind to "sort, arrange, correlate, select, reject and classify" information CMC Page 114
  • Narration develops the power of self expression and forces the child to use his own mind and form his own judgement. CMC Page 115

On this blog
We enjoy great literature and are trying to follow a Charlotte Mason approach with reading twaddle free literature.  I share a new book each week on a Tuesday called Tuesday's Treasures.  Be sure to come back each Tuesday for a new book.

For more thoughts on language arts click on any of the graphics below

We have some wonderful homeschool bloggers sharing their thoughts and inspiration on Language Arts and your homeschool.  Be sure to grab a cup of coffee / tea and take some time over the week ahead to read over these posts

Your Turn

Thursday 10 April 2014

FREE Language Arts Resources for Homeschool

Welcome to Day 4 of the 5 Days of ... Blog Hop brought to you by the 2014 Schoolhouse Review Crew.  Today's list of links are for resources to teach Language Arts for FREE gathered from around the web.

Last year I shared with you my Homeschool for FREE list and then updated it in January this year.  I have been feeling a little frustrated with it's length and it's been difficult to find the information I want in it so this week I will be sharing shorter lists divided into subject areas.

With the advent of the internet and the generosity of many homeschool mothers there are some amazing resources available for us today.

On this blog
We enjoy great literature and are trying to follow a Charlotte Mason approach with reading twaddle free literature.  I share a new book each week on a Tuesday called Tuesday's Treasures.  Be sure to come back each Tuesday for a new book.

Books we love
(Libraries are an excellent resource to teach for FREE)

Narration & Copy Work
On Pinterest
FREE on the WWW
 What are some of your favourite FREE resources for teaching Language Arts?  Leave a link in the comments and I will add them to the list


April Blog HopPlease take some time to read the posts by my fellow crew mates this week who are sharing on their chosen topics.  Here are a few to get you started.

FREE Stamp graphic courtesy: Stuart Miles

Monday 6 January 2014

Language Arts {Virtual Curriculum Fair}

Welcome to my first post for the 2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair.  Today I'm sharing on Language Arts, both what we do and some of the curriculum that is available in the homeschool market to help you with Language Arts in your homeschool.

I shared some of my thoughts on language arts in high school in two posts: Writing and Composition in High School as well as The Art of Language in High School.

In our homeschool we are following an eclectic approach this year incorporating a Charlotte Mason approach along with Delight Directed education and Sonlight.  We are working on strengthening Sir N's writing skills through copy work and hand writing practice.

We are currently working on narration skills at the moment as I have come to realise that it certainly pays high dividends in the high school years with the fruit of a student who is able to "Attend, remember, visualize, comprehend, synthesize (see the whole from the parts), and articulate as the result." A Charlotte Mason Companion page 115.  Narration helps a child to train his/her mind to "sort, arrange, correlate, select, reject and classify" information. A Charlotte Mason
"Narration develops the power of self expression and forces the child to use his own mind and form his own judgement." - Karen Andreola A Charlotte Mason Companion page 114Companion page 115.

Spelling is the servant necessary to be successful in all the areas of written language arts. We will be using copy work and once we have completed Explode the Code book 3 we will be working our way through Spelling Workout.  

Vocabulary is not synonymous with spelling and is often times missed in language arts programs and deserves equal mention and attention. Twaddle free literature introduces new words in context to the student. Do not make the mistake of only choosing literature that your child can read to themselves.

Poetry enlarges a students language ability and teaches the clever use of words in self expression.  With this in mind we will be enjoying poetry together.  As Sir N gains confidence in public speaking we will add in poems to learn and present with expression. We will try different types of poetry until we find some that we like and then explore it further.  Poetry comments on all human experiences, it is comprised of everything  from war poems and epics, to psalms of worship, to love sonnets, to delightful nonsense verse that trips off the tongue, to nursery rhymes - CMC Page 220

Our Year Ahead

Language Arts

Read Alouds

Grammar Programs

Spelling Programs
Narration & Copy Work
On Pinterest

FREE on the WWW
Language Arts Curriculums

Take some time this week to visit some of the other 2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair participants.

Some of these links will not be live until tomorrow due to time zone differences as these bloggers are from across the globe.

What are you using for language arts this school year.  Susan has invited you all to share what you are using and add your link to the linky


Tuesday 1 October 2013

Teaching Compostion {Language Arts}

Teaching writing seems to be one of the catch phrases amongst home school families and one of the most discussed topics within home school co-ops and support groups and is evidenced by the quantity of writing curriculum's available today on the market.

Writing structure and style is not something that comes with ease to us and the reason for this is because it was not something that was taught to us.  Most adults I've consulted with have memories of topics and word counts but no formal knowledge on tackling the written paper.

Composition com·po·si·tion (kmp-zshn) n.
  1. a. The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole. 
    b. The manner in which such parts are combined or related. 
    c. General makeup: the changing composition of the electorate.
    d. The result or product of composing; a mixture or compound. 
  2. 2. Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole. 
  3. a. The art or act of composing a musical or literary work.
    b. A work of music, literature, or art, or its structure or organisation.
  4.  A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.

Charlotte Mason says "The earliest practise in writing proper for children of seven or eight should be, not letter writing or dictation, but transcription, slow and beautiful work... Transcription should be an introduction to spelling. Children should be encouraged to look at the word, see a picture of it with their eyes shut, and then write from memory." v1 p239

In the Charlotte Mason philosophy composition starts with the art of Narration.  Once a child can narrate with ease he is then ready for written narration (composition).

"...Composition is not an adjunct but an integral part of their education in every subject "Charlotte Mason ~Vol. 6, p.192

  1. Spelling - without a good grounding in spelling a student will struggle in formal written work.
  2. Writing - A student needs to be comfortable with letter formation and do so with ease before starting the formal written assignments. Copy work is a two edged sword: it serves to learn letter formation and correcting spelling.
  3. Vocabulary - Without a sufficient vocabulary it is difficult to express oneself. Vocabulary is easily acquired via listening to excellent literature read out loud and reading quality books to oneself.
  4. Narration - helps the student to organise their thoughts with ease.
The first years of school are the foundational years of these four tools in the life of a student without these tools the student is severely handicapped in their journey to writing well. Teaching writing starts by practising the art verbally {narration}.  We do not want to over whelm our students with formal written composition while they are still developing the formal mechanical ability to write. This frees up the student to learn the art of ordering their thoughts in preparation for when they formally start written compositions.  

The art of written composition is started at around the age of ten after the student has a sufficient efficiency with the mechanical necessities of writing and a good grounding in the servant spelling.  There is very little point in overwhelming a student by expecting too many things all at once.  It is to our benefit to equip our students with excellent vocabulary via great literature read out loud and to themselves. Teach them to spell well and practise organising their thoughts via narration. 

At this point introduce the lessons from the Student Writing Intensive. This program is a good transition into formal compositions as the student does not have to compose any written work simply from imagination. IEW teach the student how to take good notes from supplied stories and re-tell the story in their own words on paper. Once this step is complete the students are then equipped with how to improve their written work and formulate excellent presentable work with no stress. 


For Further Reading

What is your favourite resource for teaching children writing ?


This post is part of the Homeschool Help series brought to you by a group of home school Mom's from around the globe.  Do not forget to visit and read their inspirational insight.

This week

Thursday 28 March 2013

The Art of Language in High School

The idea of teaching Language Arts at high school level can evoke many emotions in home school circles.  I think that too often as home school mom's we rely on our understanding of language arts through the memory of what we did at school and we waste many tedious hours comparing what we are doing or think we ought to be doing in comparison with what students are 'covering' at school. Two of the main factors that will influence your journey are: Your strengths and the strengths of your child/ren in the language arena.

Language Arts generally covers three main areas of study: Composition, Literature/Comprehension (to be covered in October 2013),  Vocabulary/Spelling/Grammar and Public speaking.

Over the years I have come to realize that Language Arts in high school starts with the art of Narration and an excellent foundation in spelling and twaddle free literature.
What does your language arts program look like?
When Mr T and Miss J were in high school we used the high school core's from Sonlight and worked through their language arts program's. Sonlight have aligned their approach with Ruth Beechick and Charlotte Mason. We read excellent twaddle free literature, did composition, worked our way through the entire set of Spelling Workout books and did copy work.

What influences your choices/selection?
At the time that T & J were in high school choice was limited in the home school environment. I trusted Sonlight implicitly that they were have it covered. I felt that with out a good grounding in spelling anything else was a waste of time and energy. An excellent grasp of self expression was important too because if your student can't speak it they can't write it either.  I armed myself by reading The 3 R's by Ruth Beechick and the The Art of Narration chapters in A Charlotte Mason Companion (CMC)

In the Future
Looking back I now realize that I need to start as I intend to finish it's too hard to change mid stroke and in the high school years depending on the students personality it can really become their undoing.

Mature self expression begins with the art of narration which in itself is the cornerstone of public self expression. Public expression does not only mean standing on a stage but encompasses speaking to any one any where. With this in mind we will be working on improving narration for the next few years. Narration Adheres Vocabulary to the Mind - CMC Page 167. There are many benefits to narration one being that narration strengthens and challenges all the powers of mind. Attending, remembering, visualizing, comprehending, synthesizing (seeing the whole from the parts), and articulating. - CMC Page 115

Spelling is the servant necessary to be successful in all the areas of written language arts. We will be using copy work and once we have completed Explode the Code book 3 we will be working our way through Spelling Workout. It is important to complete all the levels of which ever spelling curriculum you choose in order that your student is well equipped to express themselves with the pen.

Never underestimate the power of Copy Work.  I remember when one of my children was six years old and doing copy work they proudly came to me one day and exclaimed: "Mom I can spell circumcision now!" We have started copy work this year and will be building on this. Copying excellent literature helps a student to recognize and incorporate punctuation, reinforces correct spelling and enlarges vocabulary.

Some time later this year I am looking at joining up with some home school families once a fortnight to practice public speaking. We will be learning poems or something of interest and build from there.When we reach the beginning of the teen years we will be looking for a public speaking group and attending regularly.

Vocabulary is not synonymous with spelling and is often times missed in language arts programs and deserves equal mention and attention. Twaddle free literature introduces new words in context to the student. Do not make the mistake of only choosing literature that your child can read to themselves. This is where read alouds serve you well. In a read aloud your student figures out meaning via context. Actively choose words to enlarge their vocabulary. As a student gains ability create lists of words not to be used in written communication or composition (eg said, walk, talk,). Classical literature is a good friend to any home educating family, because the words used in them are not in use in today's society. Often times we have had to have a dictionary on hand to look up a word.  I remember when we read The Little Britches Series and had to look up the word victuals and from that day it became a family favorite.

Poetry enlarges a students language ability and teaches the clever use of words in self expression.  With this in mind we will be enjoying poetry together.  As Sir N gains confidence in public speaking we will add in poems to learn and present with expression. We will try different types of poetry until we find some that we like and then explore it further.  Poetry comments on all human experiences, it is comprised of everything  from war poems and epics, to psalms of worship, to love sonnets, to delightful nonsense verse that trips off the tongue, to nursery rhymes - CMC Page 220

Grammar Programs

Spelling Programs
Narration & Copy Work

On the www

This post is part of the Home school High School Carnival.  Don't forget to pop on over to Jimmie's Collage to read what others are saying about this topic. (Carnival will be live in April).

Disclaimer & Disclosure: Opinions expressed by contributing authors, comment's and reviewers are solely the responsibility of the author of each blog/website. Every Bed of Roses assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the contributions, comments, and reviews. There are no affiliate links in this post. Links to external, or third party Web sites, are provided solely for visitors' convenience. Links taken to other sites are done so at your own risk and Every Bed of Roses accepts no liability for any linked sites or their content. When you access an external Web site, keep in mind that Every Bed of Roses has no control over its content.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Tuesdays Treasures (Vol 1-8)

The Usborne Illustrated Thesaurus

This book I must confess is one of the best purchases I have ever made.  I will never go back to a standard thesaurus after using this one.
On the back cover: The Usborne Illustrated Thesaurus makes it fun and easy to find the perfect word. Clearly written alphabetical entries are interspersed with stunning illustrated panels to provide inspiration for creative writing. Special panels for overused words, such as "nice", encourage writers to be more adventurous.

The panels are what make this book special and set it apart from any other thesaurus out there.  Someone has uploaded a few of the panels on line to give you an idea of what I am talking about and just what sets this book apart and makes it a must have.

  • Reading level: Young Adult
  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Publisher: Usborne (June 29, 2001)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0746046111
  • ISBN-13: 978-0746046111
  • Product Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.5 x 0.6 inches
  • Author: Jane Bingham and Fiona Chandler
